Part 26 Phantom: The Dreaded Return

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I had no choice. I had to abandon Anastasia for the sake of everyone else's lives. They wouldn't kill her but I'm sure they would do things to her to make her wish she was dead.
I could feel the tension in my shoulders building up. I also knew Kayo was going to be seething. I walked out of the cockpit into the cargo hold and was met with his extremely large stature.
"What the fuck Phantom!" Kayo screamed and looked as if he was going to swing on me.
"I had no choice! I had no fucking choice!" I screamed back.
"We have to fucking go back!" He yelled. He was rightfully angry but I knew he was speaking from emotion rather than logic.
"Nikolaus. Mind your head, mate." I said. Kayo threw a punch past my head damaging the sheet metal behind me.
"We need a rescue operation and you know it." He said walking away having a seat at the end of the row closest to the cargo door.
He was right. We had done rescue missions in the past but this one was more dangerous than any of them combined and I couldn't imagine the torture they would put her through.
No one else dared to say a word for the rest of the flight. Once we landed Kayo was first out of the helicopter and disappeared into the base. I collected my supplies and weapons as Hyde cut the engine getting out of the chopper himself.
"Grayson." Merlin said.
"I'm aware Charlie." I said dryly.
I was on edge, everyone was. I sighed loudly before Merlin spoke up again.
"You know what needs to be done. We can't leave her there to be abused. I can't imagine what they've already done with Midas' body." He said.
"Charlie I know okay! I know!" I yelled. My own frustration was growing beyond belief. Merlin didn't say another word before walking off, leaving me to myself.
I slammed my first over and over against the side of the cargo hold, feeling my skin splitting under my gloves. Blood started seeping through, glistening under the very little light left on the landing zone.
It wasn't the first time we had lost someone on a mission but this was affecting me more than any other fallen comrade. I was feeling for Ana more than just part of the company.
I sunk down to the ground, leaning back against the freshly dented metal. My breath clung to the air through my mask while I let the bitter cold creep against my skin, hardening the blood that was trickling out of my hands.
"Sir." A stern yet friendly voice said.
"Yes Wolf. What is it?" I asked not making eye contact with him.
"Firstly, I know tonight was  failure-" He started but I cut him off.
"I don't want to hear it." I said angrily.
"With all respect, sir. I will finish." His voice lowered and he seemed aggravated himself.
"Today was big mess, yes. But sir. We will get her back. Ana is very strong. She will survive." He said. It was his way of trying to be sensitive but I could tell he was tip-toeing around the subject.
I nodded and Wolf held out his hand to assist me to my feet.
"Big guy. Soft heart." He chuckled softly patting me on the shoulder. I shook my head, realizing the stinging in my hand was fading. My hand was growing numb from the open wound mixing with the freezing air. Wolf noticed almost immediately.
"You need to see medical." He scolded me like I was a child. He escorted me to med bay, fearing what Jonesy will say when he learns Ana didn't come back.

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