Part 15 (wedding rules)

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" huh wedding rule's what is that? Jungkook asked Sounding confused when his mother mentioned about wedding rule's out of nowhere.

" yeah wedding rule's the Kim family send us a long ass list of their wedding rule's" Ms jeon reply to her son who rolled his eyes when he heard about wedding rule's.

" fine what are the wedding rule's" jungkook annoyedly asked his mom who nervously Laugh
bun their wedding rule's are kinda strict" she try her best to sound normal cause she knows jungkook wouldn't spare the Kim's if he get to know what are the wedding rule's.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows after hearing his mother reply" don't worry I will broke their rules anyway now tell me what are the rules " she sighed when jungkook openly told her about him breaking the Kim's rule's In advance.

" 1) you can't meet Taehyung before marriage
  2) You can't go out before the marriage
  3) you can only Talk with Taehyung in phone.
" you have to follow this rules or else they will break the Marriage" ms jeon finally finish reading the long ass paragraph that was send by the Kim's. She look at jungkook confused who giggle looking at the wedding rule's.

" mom I'm gonna break their stupid rules anyway"  jungkook sassly reply flipping his hair
however I can't stay a day without talking with my oldie so there is no way I will follow their stupid rules. Hearing her son bold reply she sighed and pat his head.

"Bun I know that but you should ask Taehyung is he fine with you breaking their wedding rule's"? He knows whatever his mother was saying was right but how can he stay way from his oldie. He whined then say " fine I will ask him" ms jeon look at her son amazed when he agree with her without any argument.

Skip in jungkooks bedroom~

"Oldie ah I don't wanna follow those stupid rules try to understand" he whined looking at Taehyung through his phone. He Huffed when he saw Taehyung was struggling to fix his camera angle. " Im seriously marrying a old man aren't I" he thought looking at his oldie who finally fixed his camera.

 " Im seriously marrying a old man aren't I" he thought looking at his oldie who finally fixed his camera

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" I hate phones" taehyung annoyedly say looking at the camera. He fixed his glasses then Finally noticed his Barbies judging face.

" You're so old you can't even fix your camera" jungkook sassly sip his red wine after saying that.
He giggle when he noticed Taehyung done face.
" I ain't that old Barbie, "I just hate phones stuffs" taehyung annoyedly reply.  Kook ignore his oldies complain then say " so what we will do about wedding rule's ain't no way I will follow them"  hearing jungkooks complain Taehyung sighed" barbie it's just for five Days you will be fine I can't say no to wedding rule's " he clamly explained to his braty wife who Huffed after hearing his word's.

" what I will do if I feel needy "  jungkook whined giving Taehyung his famous puppy eyes hoping it will work on him just like it do on his mother and jimin. " we have phone for that barbie now be a good boy and stop complaining already "  Taehyung ignore his Barbies puppy eye's knowing it's a trap.

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