part 40( jealousy pt2)

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"When you will be back from that bussines trip of yours? Despite being ignored by his wife Taehyung again asked the same question. " Yumi I'm asking something" there was a slight hint of anger in his voice which made yumi look at him.

" Taehyung stop acting like a child! Who Gave you the rights to talk to me like that?. I'm just going out for a damn bussines trip. But you being like those controlling husband who can't see his wife enjoying her freedom" yumi let out her anger out on her husband. Who got surprised by her sudden out brust.

" Im controlling you? The ugly feeling of guilt rush inside yumis body when her husband soft voice reached her ears. " Don't forget your lover waiting for you that man Infront of you is nothing but a responsibility" she try to remind herself what is Taehyung place in her heart. A man whom she was forced to marry because of her parents.

" Yes you are controlling I'm tired!! Let me have a break from you and that family of yours" she again shout at him hoping he will stop asking her questions about her departure.

" Fine if that's what you want but promise me you will be back as soon as possible" yumi felt her body frozen at his sudden request. How can she promise something which she can't never fullfil.

She looks at Taehyung with her serious face " why should I promise you? Don't you trust me enough to let me go" she would have slap anyone for lying Infront of her face like she doing now. But the situation made her helpless. The person she loves waiting for her even after knowing she commited to a unwanted relationship.

" Don't be weak don't give up on your dream" she keep on chanting that in her mind.

" I trust you enough to let you go don't question my love for you" taehyung left the room after saying that when he didn't got any response in return.

Flash back end~
" Ms yumi we are here" yumi snap out from her thoughts when her PA(personal assistant) sara call out her name." Give me 5 more minutes please" she rub her forehead feeling dizzy by the sudden thoughts about her ex husband.

  " Mam if you are feeling sick we can cancel the meeting" Sara worriedly ask.

" It's fine just past guilts making me insane these days" she bitterly laugh finding her fate cruel. " Only if I was smart enough that time " she sake her head in negative then get off from the car.

Back to Taekook~
"Doll you smell so nice" jungkook giggle when his oldie keep on sniffing his neck giving butterfly kisses." Duh cause I used my favourite body lotion which contain 0 chemical"

taehyung chuckled and snuggle his face on his dolls neck. It's been so long since he and his doll had such a romantic morning.

" Sensitive aren't you?  He Teasingly look at his dolls eyes who put his phone down and glare at him. "Old man I'm a model I have to keep my body healthy and fresh! Jungkook pout when his oldie start to toy with his nipple's. He Hurrly grab his husband hand before he could make his nipple's sore by his endless pinching.

" Give me attention doll. You're texting that bitch I mean jimin since you wake up" he try to act clingy to get his dolls attention. " It's not jimin whom I'm texting tho" jungkook got confused when his oldie suddenly look at him with a serious expression on his face.

" Then are you texting RM now?

Jungkook sigh and put his phone down.

He Hurrly got on top of his sulky husband lap."Remember I promised you I will keep my distance from him. I don't talk to him unless I need something tho. It's just a new idol friend of mine whom I recently met " he chuckled when he got pinned on the bed by his oldie. " May I know his name? Taehyung try to keep his clam. He don't wanna make his doll feel like he suspecting him. He knows his doll will rather die then doing anything like that.

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