Part 20 (Knowing him)

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It was third day of their marriage. For the first time in his life jungkook wake up early in the morning around 6 am.

Now he was in bathroom taking shower. " gosh I'm still feeling sleepy but I have to know his daily routine uff" He thought pouting remembering his mother advice.

Flash back~

"To be a perfect wife you have to know your husband daily routine first" Ms Jeon sip her tea watching her son taking notes. Technically she forched him to take notes but she was feeling proud her son listening to her advice without asking any question.

" Someone save me please" Jungkook mentaliy begged writing all the rules/ advice that his mother giving him to make his marriage successful.

Flash back end~

" Why I have to act perfect for my own husband" He thought before applying body lotion on his body. he then comfortably lay on the bath tub and started to Touch himself. Forgoting the fact that he wasn't in his room Bathroom now.

On the other hand Taehyung went to bath in guest room cause his room bathroom was already full and he has to bath before he leave for his office.. he started his daily routine he wake up around 6:30am in the morning.

After 20 minutes jungkook come out of bathroom with a towel warped around his chest. He then picked up the hair dryer from dressing table and start to dry his hair without changing his closest.

When he was drying his hair his eyes fell on the bed. "huh did he wake up right after I went to bath" he pout and hurryly wore his clothes before he run to kitchen to make breakfast for Taehyung.

 "huh did he wake up right after I went to bath" he pout and hurryly wore his clothes before he run to kitchen to make breakfast for Taehyung

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He Huffed when he saw Taehyung making breakfast before he could even enter in kitchen.
"That's unfair oldie" jungkook said with a big pout on his face.

"That's unfair oldie" jungkook said with a big pout on his face

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Taehyung stop mixing eggs and look at jungkook Confused.

" I mean I should be the one who should cook not you" jungkooks pout got bigger when Taehyung Flicked his forehead.He rubbed his forehead and glared at Taehyung.

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