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  At the end of August, the midsummer sun was baking wantonly. In the sea area near Anle Island, the sun seemed to shine straight to the bottom of the sea, even the sand grains were warmed by it.

  Abundant fish schools gather here and breed. At the same time, a group of dangerous predators are quietly approaching.

  Su Su, a silver-white shark with a length of two meters, looked out of place among the large sharks with an average length of four to five meters.

  He followed the sharks close to a school of yellowfin tuna, their hunting target today.

  The sharks spread out and assumed an attack stance.

  Tuna is delicious and has always been a favorite recipe for sharks. However, they are known for their speed, and it is not easy to catch up with them.

  Today's goal is to try to eat enough. Su Su huddled at the end of the team, thinking with burning eyes.

  Huge and powerful sharks swarmed in groups, their dorsal fins silently creating a wave of water on the water. The sharks are like a group of experienced hunters, moving in unison to surround their prey. They cooperated tacitly as if they had cooperated thousands of times, swimming skillfully to force the prey to one place.

  Sprint, segment, chase, hunt.

  The sharp teeth tore apart the fragile scales of the prey. The blood dyed the blue water red, and the floating pieces of meat made the entire water surface suddenly turbid.

  The prey has fallen, and the collaborators who had just been working together now began to compete for food.

  Su Su also started looking for today's lunch. He spotted a similarly smaller tuna. He mixed in among several large sharks, calculated the route in his mind, took advantage of the opportunity of the tuna to avoid the large shark, jumped up, and bit the other's tail.

  The smell of blood stimulated Su Su's senses, making his hunger even stronger. Su Su's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty excitement.

  The bitten prey struggled hard, but its tail was injured and its movements gradually became sluggish.

  Just when Su Su was about to tear off the fish meat and devour it, several larger sharks surrounded him from all directions and unceremoniously snatched the prey from Su Su's mouth.

  It's like this again, it's like this again!

  Su Su thought aggrieved and angrily. Just because of his small size, those larger ones will eat his prey with impunity.

  However, Su Su couldn't defeat them, so he could only swallow his anger and find new prey.

  However, the fight would not stop. Su Su tried again and again but failed again and again.

  The hunting time flies by.

  Su Su worked hard for a long time but still felt empty.

  This kind of failed hunting experience was not the first time for him. Because he has half-mermaid blood in his body, his size and strength are far inferior to other sharks. When hunting, his prey is often snatched away, and he can only follow behind to pick up leftovers. When he is unlucky, he will starve.

(MTL) Little shark doesn't want to work anymore Where stories live. Discover now