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  "Qi Hanyi clearly doesn't treat you as an equal being. Don't you hate him? He doesn't respect your personality, restricts your freedom, and keeps you in a pen like a cat or a dog. He comes and goes when you call him. Aren't you angry?"

  Su Su thought for a moment and said, "I feel a little uncomfortable."

  In fact, Su Su didn't care much about what others thought of him. Words like respect, equality, personality, and freedom were too much for Su Su. nothingness. Just over a month ago, he was a little shark thinking only about his next meal.

  But Qi Hanyi is different from others. After all, she is the person he likes, and everyone hopes that their love will be reciprocated. But Qi Hanyi hates mermaids, and he is also a mermaid, so Qi Hanyi should also hate himself.

  Yan Bai added, "Did you know that mermaids and humans actually have the same ancestors? Even a few hundred years ago, mermaids were the masters of this land." "Really?" Su Su opened his mouth in surprise

  . This was indeed something he had never heard of. This paragraph is not mentioned in human history textbooks.

  Yan Bai took the opportunity to tell Su Su about the history of mermaids and humans.

  A long time ago, humans built a highly civilized city here, but a sudden tsunami swallowed up the land. In the disaster, some humans escaped on the spaceships that had been prepared and left the land. Others were abandoned. They were submerged by the tsunami and fell silently into the sea along with the land.

  But the humans who sank into the sea were not completely defenseless. They had predicted this tsunami many years ago. They extracted the genes of many fish in an attempt to change themselves and obtain a way to live in the sea.

  Whether they succeeded or not, no precise records can be found.

  But after that, a wonderful race was born on this land, the mermaids.

  Mermaids have lived in this sea area for thousands of years, relying on the fragmentary records pieced together from the ruins in the sea to understand that ancient civilization and thrive in the ocean.

  Just three hundred years ago, a great low tide revealed some of the land originally covered by the ocean. Some mermaids living in those areas were also suddenly exposed on land.

  Some mermaids stranded on the tidal flats and died, while others developed legs after adulthood and turned into humans.

  If this were the case, maybe the mermaid would one day come ashore, or maybe he could walk freely in the deep sea and on land, and establish a new civilization.

  However, those humans who left in the spaceship and wandered for thousands of years also discovered this exposed, brand-new land.

  The spaceship landed and they were back.

  They woke up from their dormant cabins in large numbers and established a new empire on a new land. At the same time, they also discovered mermaids, and found that without their knowledge, these had spawned new humanoid creatures, and they seemed to want to become the leaders of this land.

  The war started between humans and mermaids. The wanderers who returned from the starry sky and the mermaids who had just adapted to the new environment started fighting around this brand-new land.

  That should be more appropriately called a unilateral massacre.

  Faced with mankind's advanced technological weapons, the mermaids, who were as civilized as primitive humans, were defeated. He could only flee in embarrassment towards the farther seaside.

  The original story should have ended here, with humans taking control of the land and the mermaids returning to the sea. But during this process, something happened that no one expected.

  Mermaids are born with natural beauty, regardless of gender, they are all born with extraordinary appearance. After leaving the water, except for a few scales behind the ears that will not fade away, the appearance is the same as that of humans, which made some people think.

  The captured beautiful mermaid became the plaything of the nobles and the army. Later, the mermaid gave birth to a human child. The child looked completely human in appearance.

  This mixed-race child was sent to a research institute, and through a series of genetic tests, people were shocked to find that his genes were no different from humans, but compared to his father, they seemed to have been optimized to a certain extent. Whether it is the appearance, the inner thinking ability, the health status, or the potential life span, they are all much better than the level of normal reproduction. What's even more amazing is that these humans born from mermaids also inherit the unique talent of mermaids - outstanding mental power.

  As a result, more mermaids were put into breeding experiments. From the accumulated data, people repeatedly confirmed a result. Mermaids can indeed help humans obtain more optimized genes.

  As a result, new possibilities emerged for the life-and-death hostile relationship between them.

  In other words, for mermaids, humans have found a way to deal with them that is more in line with their interests than killing.

  In the black market, the industry of fishing, looting, and selling mermaid slaves has quietly emerged.

  The empire is more gentle. They protect the mermaids on the surface, but behind the scenes they do the same thing under the guise of intermarriage.

  They promise that humans will guarantee the life safety and basic rights of mermaids, give them equal treatment with humans, and provide them with weapons and knowledge.

  There is only one thing that the mermaids have to do. In addition to retaining the necessary number to reproduce the group, the other mermaids must go to human society and marry human nobles when they reach adulthood.

  These mermaids were sacrificed and forced to marry human nobles. Enjoy a life of wealth but not freedom, and breed children for them. And at this price, in exchange for the right of the tribe to live.

  In order to gain protection from the empire and learn from human civilization, mermaids sent female mermaids from generation to generation to get married. In return, the empire did help the mermaids a lot, helping them build cities in the sea, teaching them how to plant, breed, and hunt in the sea, and providing various weapons and material assistance. To a certain extent, their lives are indeed becoming more stable and prosperous. But they also lost their freedom at the same time and were domesticated and kept in captivity by humans.

  And this cruel history has long been covered up and whitewashed in the long river of time, and even the Mermaid Kingdom deliberately let future generations forget it.

  But there is a group of mermaids who always remember.

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