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And what he had to do was separate the two starships.

  [Back and forth] gave the signal and precise coordinates, and the members of the control team immediately launched. They had already cooperated in a tacit understanding. Chains surrounded [Shadow Chaser] from all directions, blocking all possibilities for her escape, but not affecting her. Half a minute to the closely adjacent [Silver Dragon].

  But Su Su's Silver Dragon immediately followed closely to prevent the Shadow Chaser from being set on fire after it separated from him.

  [Making the complex into simplicity] was not the type to passively take beatings. He chose a starship that was easiest to obtain and gave a signal to Su Su. The two of them immediately attacked each other from left to right.

  This is the moment Zheng Hui has been waiting for!

  A chain hooked the Phoenix and exchanged positions with the starship under attack.

  [There is no return] After being judged to be under attack, he immediately prepared to counterattack the two starships. The flames of the [Phoenix] spit out towards the two starships that were close at hand.

  Su Su faced the Phoenix that suddenly appeared on the screen and licked the tips of his teeth.

  The harmless Swift switched to a bloodthirsty shark, and the modified [Silver Dragon] revealed its true murderous intent for the first time.

  The shark-shaped starship flexed in the air, swung its tail, and dodged the fatal blow while wiping the flames. Then it took advantage of the inertia and swooped down. The front end cracked open, revealing a steel-toothed weapon, which suddenly pounced towards the cockpit where the head and back of the Phoenix were connected.

  The system pops up a kill notification. The 44 points that [Phoenix] had accumulated in two hours of hard work were half taken away by Su Su in an instant.

  The [Silver Dragon] passed through the aftermath of the flames and rolled in the air.

  Chapter 47:

  When the system prompts that [White Scale Shark] has killed [There is no return]. The barrage was silent for a second, and then covered the screen like a volcano.

  No wonder netizens were shocked, even Qi Yue, a loyal fan of Su Su, was dumbfounded by this wave of unprepared counter-attacks.

  [Holy shit, this is a situation I never imagined. The white-scaled shark actually made it impossible to recover? 】

  【Have you ever been beaten to death? Isn't he number one in the arena? That's it? 】

  【What about the one who said yesterday that the white-scaled shark can only abuse food in the arena? Can you please come out and take a few steps? 】

  More people’s focus is not on the battle itself, but on Su Su’s starship.

  [Am I right? His starship looks different now than it did just now. ]

  [I just wanted to ask, why did White Scale Shark's starship transform? 】

  【Does anyone think this form looks like a shark, it looks fierce and cute. ]

  [It must be the shark. He just started to bite the main control room that has never come back. ]

  [It can be seen that White Scale Shark really likes sharks. His name is shark, his skin is shark, and now even starships can turn into sharks. ]

  [So why can his starship transform? Is it a new feature in the game? 】

  While everyone was confused, some players who knew more about starships opened their microphones.

(MTL) Little shark doesn't want to work anymore Where stories live. Discover now