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To complete the combat mission, points will be deducted if monsters are missed in the defense line.

  You have to support your teammates, so if you don't save them, you will get points deducted.

  Judging from the feedback from team members' trial and error, in the point deduction project, leaving the position is calculated based on time. One point will be deducted every ten minutes until all points are deducted. If it is less than ten minutes, if you return, the time will be reset. Regardless of the level of a monster, one point will be deducted if a monster is exposed. And five points for failing to save someone's life is the heaviest penalty among all. Some players with low points were even kicked out of the game because they ignored the players around them asking for help.

  But is that all there is to the game? They support each other until players are constantly eliminated and only the last hundred are left?

  [There is no return] I don’t think so. If the game was just like this, we could just throw them into the battlefield. Why is there a section where the commander speaks? Why did they first land in the lobby instead of on the starship?

  The commander gave them a copy. Anyone with a little knowledge would know that the unreasonable defense map allowed them, a group of so-called trainee starship pilots whose strength was far below the standard, to guard a supply point here, waiting for reinforcements. However, more than half of their people have been killed or injured, but reinforcements have not arrived yet. According to the game design, they will either never come, or they will wait until there are only a hundred of their people left.

  Is this arrangement really reasonable?

  Also, the commander said that all of their starships have contact signals and can receive orders from the command room. However, so far, countless requests for help have been sent to the command room, and the command room has not responded to even one. .

  That commander showed stupidity and arrogance, and his attitude of clearly sending the interns to die was probably not the image of a commander that the military wanted to promote.

  Therefore, [There is no return] suspects that there may be a hidden mission branch hidden in the command post. Reveal the true face of the commander, seize control of supply points, and re-plan a reasonable front. It’s also a way of playing.

  Since this is simulating a real war, there shouldn't be only one development outcome. And commanding is what [Come and No Return] is good at.

  [Back and forth] thought that this should be his chance to show himself to the world, even some members of the military who were silently paying attention to the game.

  Worth the gamble.

  One point is deducted every ten minutes for leaving the post, and it only takes half an hour to go to the command center.

  The Phoenix broke away from the battle line he belonged to and flew towards the supply point without looking back.

  There were quite a few Zerg that were missed within the defense line, but most of them had been dealt with by the supply point's defense system, and only a handful of them actually broke into the supply point. The Phoenix took some time to clean up and get rid of the last few Zerg.

  [There is no return] I got off the starship from the port and sprinted towards the command room as fast as possible.

  The door to the command room was ajar, and the current combat status of all defense points could be seen on the screen. Some command equipment was spread out on the table, but the commander who had just given them the order arrogantly was nowhere to be seen.

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