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"Actually, I have been thinking, what does he want from me? I am a male mermaid and cannot give him children. I am a mermaid, and becoming a human cannot cure his disease. But even so, he has been He takes good care of me."

  "He doesn't want anything, but he is very good to me." "

  I want to play games, but he knows that this is against the rules. Not only does he not stop me, he also buys me a nutrition cabin, and even does it for me. Bear the crime."

  "I wanted to pilot a real starship, so he went to make suggestions to His Majesty, so that mermaids can become starship pilots." "I longed for the

  White Ze, and he personally paved the way for me and held competitions in the game , set up a stage for me so that I can fully demonstrate my strength."

  Su Su said so much that he was moved. He reached out and touched the moist corners of his eyes, and said emotionally: "It's great to marry a human. He He gave me everything I wanted without asking for anything in return. I don't even know how to repay him..." "Okay, okay!

  " The professor couldn't bear to interrupt Su Su's speech. It sounded normal at first, but at the end it changed.

  What he wanted to instill in these mermaids was that no matter how bad their partners treated them, they should be patient and grateful to their partners. In the end, all Su Su talked about was what Qi Hanyi had done for him.

  A high-ranking general pampered him to such an extent, which made those men who were not good to their own fishermen and thought they were not obedient enough became even more miserable.

  Those mermaids didn't dare to say anything on the surface, but there was shock in their eyes, as if they didn't know that humans and mermaids could still get along like this. Some of them really blamed themselves for some mistakes, thinking that human partners should It was his aloof look, his insatiable greed, and his extravagant desire for equal love that led him to be sent here to be punished.

  Now I find out that it's not that the mermaid who married a human deserves to suffer, it's just that she met a scumbag.

  Chapter 72

  Before Su Su had enough to share, he was forcibly interrupted by the professor, who seemed to be quite unfinished.

  "But teacher, I just gave a general outline, and there are still many details that I haven't talked about."

  When the old professor heard the word "details," he couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth: "It's a pity, but the evening class time It's over, it's time for you to go to bed."

  Su Su nodded regretfully, and then looked at the professor very earnestly: "Then can I continue sharing tomorrow night?" The professor almost fled the classroom, leaving

  only One sentence: "Let's talk tomorrow."

  "Ha." Su Su chuckled rather sarcastically, knowing that the other party would definitely not let him appear in class again tomorrow.

  But he didn't plan to stay in such a boring place for the next day.

  Now that his bait has been set, he thinks the person who should take action will appear soon.

  After a simple wash, Su Su was locked in his small room again. The lights in the room were turned off, leaving only a small window on the door open, which was the light coming from the corridor.

  Su Su originally planned to squint for a while to recuperate his energy, but lying on the musty-smelling hard bed, Su Su tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

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