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From the last contact, Qi Hanyi could feel that Yan Bai was not as arrogant as he showed, nor was he a brainless idiot. But why is it necessary for an adopted son of a merchant to disguise such a persona? In other words, if he is pretending to let others relax their vigilance, whose vigilance is he trying to relax? What do you want to do after this?

  Qi Hanyi: "Play games occasionally? "Star Wars"?"

  "It's Star Wars." Jian Cheng said all the information he found in one breath: "He also established a guild called the White Scale Guild. He can Long, the game account name is 'White'."

  White Scale Guild?

  White Scales... Shark Shark?

  Qi Hanyi's eyes became strange.

  Su Su is a shark and a novice player. The day when his video became famous happened to be the day after the banquet. And the other party just happened to join Yan Bai's guild. Moreover, the tone of the other person's words and the way he does things sometimes make him feel somewhat similar to Su Su. 

The identity of Liberty Island is fake, and the character of Liberty Boy is fake. He said that he has no parents to care about him and that he makes a living by fishing, but it is true because he is a shark.

  Although it was surprising, Qi Hanyi could already be sure:

  this player with superior talent and simple personality that he admired and even wanted to take under his command was Su Su!

  No wonder he said he wanted to be number one, but he didn't want to see himself. That's why he yearned for the Bai Ze, but said he couldn't get on board even if he was number one.

  Qi Hanyi thought: If Su Su can really win the first place in the competition, it will be a good opportunity to prove to the die-hards in the empire that mermaids have the talent to drive starships. Their talents are even stronger than humans. His father's choice back then was correct.

  The Bai Ze may be able to welcome its first mermaid pilot.

  Thinking like this, Qi Hanyi also sat on the chair and connected to the game.

  When Su Su went online, the friends in his list were not online. After a few minutes, the profile picture belonging to [Reverse & Revenant] lit up.

  Su Su received a mission to clean up the Zerg wandering in the protective zone. The preliminary competition included fighting against Zerg. He had never killed Zerg before, so he planned to familiarize himself with the operation first.

  Seeing that his friend was online, Su Su immediately moved over and said, "I have accepted a mission, do you want to join us?" Qi Hanyi felt a little complicated when he saw the message from Su Su. He wanted to confess his identity to Su Su

  . After confessing, he could legitimately help Su Su train, or he could promise him that if he could become the first in the competition, he would help him become the next driver of the Baize.

  But Qi Hanyi remembered that when he contacted Su Su, he also told a lot of lies, saying that his skills in piloting a starship were not good, that he passed the professional test on the line, and that he failed to pass the registration. 

Su Su foolishly accepted all his lies and wanted to teach him how to fly a starship. If he knew that he had lied to him, he would probably be angry.

  Qi Hanyi didn't even notice. He rarely cared about what the people around him thought before, but now he was hesitant because Su Su might be angry.

  Just as Qi Hanyi was hesitating, Su Su's invitation popped up, asking him to fight against the Zerg.

  Qi Hanyi was about to reply when he suddenly caught a glimpse of his character name in the upper right corner.

  [Reverse & Revenant]

  Qi Hanyi: Exploding the vest... let’s forget it.

  Even if his vest is not exposed, he can still give advice to Su Su as a friend like now. As for the pilot of the Baize, it seems too far away. It is better to wait until Su Su really gets the ranking and then meet and talk.

  After Qi Hanyi made his decision, he accepted Su Su's invitation and the two met at the pier.

  "What a coincidence, I just came online and I saw you online too." Su Su waved the short fin of the shark doll and greeted Qi Hanyi happily.

  Already knowing the identity of the other party, Qi Hanyi looked at the shark doll in front of him, but he didn't feel any sense of violation at all. Instead, he felt that it was indeed the case.

  Su Su has been being his truest self. He didn't recognize it because he didn't know Su Su well enough, and he was restricted by the player's thinking that he couldn't be a mermaid.

  "It's not a coincidence, I set a reminder and I will receive the message when you go online." Qi Hanyi said. This sentence is not a lie. He actually set this reminder before. He only has one friend of the other party in his list. He originally entered the game because of this incident.

  "So you came here specifically to play with me?" Su Su became happy.

  He is always very happy because of other people's little attention.

  "Well, I'm very happy to be with you." Qi Hanyi admitted.

  Su Su became even more happy and waved his fin: "Let's go and kill the insects!"

  He wanted to be bold, but unfortunately, the opening and closing movements, coupled with the chubby shark doll, only seemed Funny and cute.

  The two of them boarded the starship, and as usual it was Su Su Kai. He originally offered to give Qi Hanyi a role, but Qi Hanyi rejected Su Su's proposal on the grounds that he "suddenly discovered that being an observer is quite interesting" and firmly sat in the observer's position.

  Su Su's mission this time was to hunt down a centipede shield insect.

  "I've been picking in the task bar for a long time, and I just killed one of them. The commission for the task is very high. I made a lot of money!" Su Su said as if he had found a big deal.

  "Well, that should be it." Qi Hanyi looked away and curved the corners of his mouth upward.

  The tasks assigned by the system do not have the possibility of more money and less life. The reason why this task only kills one Zerg but gives a lot of money is because it is difficult to kill and is worth the price of hundreds of other Zerg. .

  The military has already classified all the Zerg that have fought against each other according to their strength. Like starships, the lowest level is E, the highest is S level, and SS and SSS levels are also set. However, these two levels of Zerg are confidential information and are beyond the difficulty that gamers can deal with, so they are not set in the game.

  The Centipede Shield Bug that Su Su received was an out-and-out A-level Zerg. It liked to eat metal and was as big as a small starship. The thick shield on its back could withstand heavy artillery, and it had dozens of arms and legs. Hundreds, each one can stretch hundreds of meters, and its movements are flexible, and its sharp pincers can tear the alloy.

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