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  The night was already deep, and Su Su didn't sleep peacefully. His eyebrows were always twisted together, and it seemed that the injured place was still aching.

  Su Su woke up at dawn. He was used to being a shark and had no experience waking up from bed. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling in a daze for a while before remembering that this was the room where the fight took place last night.

  Su Su felt a little dizzy, as if he had a hangover after drinking, and his memory was covered with a mist and became blurry.

  I can't remember clearly what happened after Yan Bai left.

  Qi Hanyi...

  Su Su tilted his head, and the light entered the room through the curtains, casting a hazy soft light in the room.

  Qi Hanyi was leaning on the bedside with his arms folded. He was dressed meticulously as usual, with one leg bent and propped up, and the other stretched out and stepping on the ground.

  He closed his eyes, and the sharpness like a blade was gone, and the coldness that blocked people from thousands of miles away was gone. The handsome eyebrows are coated with a layer of soft light, which is unreasonably fascinating in such a quiet morning.

  Huh -

  Su Su buried his head in the quilt resignedly. This damn human is so damn sweet. Even if he knew that the other person hated mermaids, he would still stare at the other person's face without any purpose and his heartbeat would speed up.

  Qi Hanyi just closed his eyes and fell asleep. When he heard some movement, he opened his eyes.

  "Are you awake? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere else?" His voice was hoarse than usual, which made Su Su's ears numb.

  Su Su rubbed his ears, sat up and said, "Hungry."

  In order to make Su Su full, Qi Hanyi ordered breakfast for more than a dozen people and sent it to the room. Taking advantage of breakfast time, Qi Hanyi explained yesterday's events and Su Su asked again.

  There were three people who attacked Su Su. They were good at hiding. They could evade the Mo family's guards and come and go freely. They had good fighting skills and specialized in picking joints to attack.

  This special fighting method reminded Qi Hanyi of a person, Shadow Lion. He was once Qi Hanyi's military school classmate. The Ying family is a fighting family and has been loyal to the royal family for generations. He was also Qi Hanyi's senior when he was in the military academy. Qi Hanyi specifically asked him for fighting skills. The two had a good relationship at that time. Unfortunately, due to different concepts, Shadow Lion defected to the eldest prince and became a secret chess piece in Fang's hands. He went to the expeditionary force. The two gradually stopped contacting each other.

  The eldest prince is behind the scenes? It seems that the matter is directed at me.

  The current emperor of the empire has two sons and one daughter, the eldest prince Tang Zhuoxiong and the second prince Tang Fenghuai, but it is the princess Tang Xiruo who holds the right of inheritance.

  Nowadays, humans have long realized the gestation of fetuses outside the body. Women do not need to be pregnant to give birth to children. Gender inequality has long been eliminated in society. Imperial daughters and princes enjoy equal inheritance rights.

  The selection of royal inheritance rights is based on the assessment of the Royal Academy. Whoever can achieve better results in the assessment will have higher priority in inheritance rights.

  Because Tang Fenghuai had an accident when he was a child and became physically disabled, he had already withdrawn from the competition for inheritance rights. Tang Zhuoxiong originally had greater hopes of becoming the heir because he had better genes than Tang Xiruo, but because he was too confident, he neglected his training and squandered his advantage. He lost to Tang Xiruo in the graduation examination of the Royal Academy and lost the right to inherit.

  But the eldest prince Tang Zhuoxiong did not give up because of this, but was inspired to fight. It's a pity that his fighting spirit is not reflected in how to work hard to become better and surpass Tang Xiruo, but in playing power and cultivating party members.

  In the early days, Qi Hanyi also received solicitations from the eldest prince many times, but he himself was not interested in these struggles for power. Besides, Qi Xingli also told him many times that the Qi family was only loyal to His Majesty and would never participate in the battle for heirs. , so he rejected the other party every time.

  Now it seems that the other party failed to win over him and is preparing to replace someone in the Qi family who is willing to serve as the heir.

  Qi Hanyi knew several brothers and sisters in the family. Some of them were ambitious but brainless, and the eldest prince would probably look down on them. There were some sane ones, and they probably wouldn't cooperate with the eldest prince.

  There are also a few people who were willing but did not attend the banquet yesterday, so they are also temporarily excluded. After calculating this, the eldest prince's partner can basically be determined.

  The fourth uncle’s cousin, Qi Yang.

  Qi Hanyi had known that his cousin had always been hostile to him, but he didn't expect that he would be so bold as to violate his family motto and collude with the eldest prince to attack him.

  Qi Hanyi tapped his fingertips on the table twice, and his expression became colder.

  If some people don't want to be treated as family members, he doesn't mind letting them experience his methods of dealing with enemies.

  But before that.

  There is another person whose actions are very suspicious, even more concerning to Qi Hanyi than Qi Yang and Team Leader Ying.

  White face.

  We have never met this person Qi Hanyi before. Judging from the information collected, he is the heir to the Yan family and the adopted son of Yan San. He has a gorgeous appearance and an arrogant and domineering personality.

  But from yesterday's brief contact, Qi Hanyi felt that Yan Bai was not a willful, arrogant, impulsive and brainless young master.

  The most unreasonable place. It was the relationship between him and Su Su.

  I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but he and Su Su look somewhat similar, and his attitude towards Su Su is also closer than others. Judging from the information found, he had taken the initiative to serve soup to Su Su and had a long conversation downstairs. Later, he appeared upstairs in time to rescue Su Su, which was obviously intentional.

  Qi Hanyi brought Su Su out this time with the intention of fishing. He wanted to see if there would be any clues related to the assassin from the last marriage.

  Too many things happened yesterday. He didn't know whether the fishing was successful or not. Now it seemed that among the people who had come into contact with Su Su, Yan Bai was the most suspicious. In addition, his family was still in the maritime trade. If he really wanted to It is somewhat convenient to do this when picking up a bride.

But what Qi Hanyi couldn't figure out was that if Yan Bai was close to Su Su because of the Zerg incident, there was no need for him to stay after rescuing Su Su. He even gave Su Su the clothes he brought to wear, which not only exposed his actions , and almost got involved in Qi Yang's plan.

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