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But what happened this time was thanks to her finding Su Su on the Internet who asked for help.

  Xiang Chen said to the two sisters: "I just called Qi's house to confirm that Han Yi is indeed experiencing his first mental attack. I also confirmed with Qi Yue. From the information she collected, Su Su is indeed That's the online name of the mermaid from Qi Hanyi's family."

  Xiang Chen looked confused: "But what's weird is that his family's mermaid attended the banquet in human form. It should be a normal mermaid that has been differentiated, yes, it shouldn't be What kind of mermaid."

  Yun He retorted: "But his tone online doesn't seem like he's just pretending. If it's His Highness Yi Qing, there's no way he doesn't know the treatment for mental breakdown."

"No, it's possible that he doesn't. They are not differentiated mermaids."

Yunlu interrupted the dispute between the two: "I know that the high priest once had a special mermaid medicine that could turn mermaids into humans temporarily, but the side effects were serious and it could not be maintained for a long time, so It has been discontinued now.

If he relied on that medicine to pretend to be Yiqing to get married, and pretended to be separated to attend the banquet, it would make sense."

"It's probably this medicine."

Xiang Chen suddenly understood: "I'll just say Why is Qi Hanyi so weird? He obviously has a differentiated mermaid in his family, but he still insists on waiting for me to treat him. It seems that he knew early on that the mermaid in his family was just a mermaid, and the two of them teamed up to deceive their old man."

Understanding the current situation, Xiang Chen couldn't help but gnashed his teeth: "He's so brave, he really doesn't take his own life seriously!"

"Then what should we do now, General Qi's side..."

Yun Lu also said There was some concern - most of the research funds for their project were funded by Qi Hanyi, and the project involved many interests. Without Qi Hanyi's support, this project would be difficult to maintain.

  "It's useless to be anxious. His body has already reacted. Life and death are a matter of these ten minutes. If you can survive this time, next time..."

Xiang Chen sighed worriedly: "I said he is unreliable like this. , I can’t say anything about my illness accurately.”

  He thought for a few minutes and made up his mind to lift his legs and prepare to leave: "Anyway, I'll go to Qi's house first to see if I can help. Xiaohe, keep an eye on Su Su's account. If he has a problem, try your best to help him solve it. Anyway, for now we can only hope that he can wake up Qi Hanyi and help him get through the first hurdle of mental collapse."

Su Su couldn't wake up Qi Hanyi at all.

  He tried many things.

  No matter whether he shouted into the other person's ear, pushed or shook him hard, or bitten a circle of teeth on his body with his fangs, the other person seemed not to feel it at all.

  Su Su saw Qi Hanyi's face getting paler and his body getting colder, and he became more and more anxious. As taught in biology courses, humans are endothermic animals. Once the body temperature is too high or too low, they will die.

  But the quilt covered by Qi Hanyi seemed to have no effect at all on keeping him warm.

  Qi Hanyi had control over the room. Su Su couldn't even adjust the room temperature, and he didn't dare to go out and tell others that he couldn't sing to Qi Hanyi for therapy. 

He thought for a while and realized that he could barely be considered a heat source as a human, so he took off his coat and got into Qi Hanyi's quilt, hugging him.

  Qi Hanyi's body seemed to have been soaked in the deep sea, so cold that Su Su shuddered. He was not so afraid of the cold originally, but the human body seemed to have a different structure than that of a shark.

  So Su Su lay on Qi Hanyi's body, shivering while trying to transfer the heat from his body to Qi Hanyi. At the same time, his hands were not idle, and he was still trying various ways to wake him up.

  He found a method on the Internet to pinch the nose to wake up. It said that as long as the other person can't breathe, he will wake up in discomfort.

  So Su Su covered Qi Hanyi's mouth with one hand and pinched his nose with the other.

  Ten seconds, twenty seconds, half a minute passed, but Qi Hanyi had no intention of waking up.

  Su Su didn't dare to squeeze anymore. He was afraid that he would really suffocate Qi Hanyi to death, so he quickly let go of his hand. But strangely, after he let go, he found that Qi Hanyi's breathing stopped.

  If it weren't for the fact that he could still hear the other party's heartbeat, Su Su almost thought the other party was dead.

  [He's not breathing anymore! ]

  Su Su sent a message to [Xiao He] in a panic: [I tried many ways to call him, but he had no intention of waking up. I saw a way to wake people up by holding their breath. I wanted to give it a try, so I squeezed it for a while, and within a minute... when I let go, I found that he was no longer breathing! 】

  【He won't suffocate to death, right? It has been almost two minutes now. How long can a person go without breathing? Is there any way to help him catch his breath first? 】

  Su Su sent out a long list of messages quickly, and finally waited for the reply from the other party.

  [How about... try artificial respiration? ] Yun He typed this line nervously. Without equipment, this is indeed the most primitive way to help. But I heard that Admiral Qi doesn't like mermaids. When he wakes up and knows that it was him who suggested it, he won't rush to retaliate against him, right?

  Well, probably not, I am doing this to save him.

  Thinking like this, Yun He found the detailed process of artificial respiration and sent a copy to Su Su.

  Mouth to mouth? Su Su read the entire process as quickly as possible. Without any hesitation, he immediately opened Qi Hanyi's mouth and started operating.

  "Ha!" He took a deep breath, blocked Qi Hanyi's mouth, and passed the air in his mouth.

  "Huh -"

  Qi Hanyi was sinking in the deep sea a second ago. He felt that he could no longer breathe and would soon drown. But the next moment, something soft pried open his teeth. The air is poured in, bringing with it a special sweetness.

  Qi Hanyi asked greedily, and his consciousness gradually emerged.

  Three times in a row, he suddenly felt a faint breath response from the person under him, and then he moved.

  Su Su was about to raise his head to confirm Qi Hanyi's condition when a hand fiercely grabbed the back of his head.

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