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That day, my mother had never been gentler. She changed into a beautiful dress and even put on light makeup. She smiled at them and cooked fish for them for the first time.

  The fish didn't taste delicious, and there was some strange flavor in the soup, but both father and son ate happily, and even drank all the soup in the pot.

  It was only later that they discovered that the soup contained poison that made people's hands and feet stiff and unable to move.

  When Qi Hanyi woke up, he only saw his mother holding a knife against his father, ordering in her usual cold tone: "Hand over the control authority of the expeditionary force starship." Qi Wu's eyes were not flustered.

There was no anger, only helpless sadness: "Xiao Xun, I'm sorry, I can't agree to this."

"If you don't pay, I will kill you and your son!" An Xun threatened sternly.

Pulling Qi Hanyi in front of him, the blade cut his neck.

  Blood snaked along the blade. Qi Hanyi didn't feel any pain or fear. He just looked up at his parents blankly, trying to figure out what happened.

  "Don't hurt Han Yi. You can blame me and take revenge on me, but Han Yi is innocent." Qi Wu's eyes showed anxiety and distress.

  An Xun softened his tone again: "As long as you hand over your authority, I will ensure the safety of both of you." "This is impossible, Xiao Xun, why do you want the authority of the expeditionary force? If you have any difficulties, please tell me , I can help you." Qi Wu's voice was still gentle.

  "I want to take revenge on humans and make them pay for the harm they have done to mermaids. I want to change the status of humans and mermaids, so that you can also taste the taste of being enslaved by humans. Help me, what can you do to help me? Me, you This hypocritical human being, you will only use some slogans about equal rights for humans and mermaids to fool me. Have you succeeded after all these years?"

"I, I'm sorry, it may take a few more years, I... I also want to hurry up, but this Something..."

Qi Wu looked troubled.

There was great resistance to this matter, and even his own family was not on his side.

If it was done too hastily, it might trigger a strong counterattack from the opponents, so he could only lay the groundwork slowly and plan for it gradually.

  "You can't, but I can. Hand over your authority. We mermaids are naturally capable of driving those starships. When the cannons of the starships are pointed at the land of this planet, you humans will naturally know what awe is!"

An Xun The more he spoke, the more excited he became: "You humans killed so many mermaids back then, and you humans have kept mermaids as slaves in these years. This is the retribution they deserve!"

"Axun!" Qi Wu didn't realize until this moment that many mermaids were kept in captivity like slaves.

  Xun's idea was far more extreme than he thought. She was hating, not against him, but against everyone.

  My father didn't know what kind of force was behind my mother, and why he instilled such thoughts in her. But it is impossible for him to hand over the authority to these mermaids, which will cause a catastrophe for all mankind, and even the entire planet.

  "An Xun, listen to me, the matter of the starship is not a trivial matter. The Zerg have been eyeing this planet and turning it into their lair. They may launch an attack on our planet at any time. Once the war breaks out, it will not only be human beings. All life on the planet will die."

  "Don't be alarmist here. They are just bugs. You humans can deal with them, and we mermaids can deal with them as well."

An Xun approached Qi Wu, his eyes full of longing: "Didn't you say you love me? What? You help me this time, and I will take care of you and protect you in the future. I am willing to be with you forever. And our child, I will treat him well. Our family will be together happily forever. Don't you want to?"

  Qi Wu closed his eyes: "I am willing to help the mermaids fight for their rights, and make their lives better and better through step-by-step changes, but I will never betray humans. An Xun, this is me The bottom line."

  After that, Qi Hanyi's memory was only as red as blood.

  In order to force my father to hand over his authority that day, my mother chopped off his ten fingers, then gouged out his eyes, cut off his nose and ears, leaving only a talking tongue. Then he stabbed him hundreds of times, as if he wanted to vent all the mermaid's hatred towards humans over the years on him.

  Humans with mermaid blood are born with stronger genes, which also caused their father to suffer more torture before his death.

  Before his death, his father begged his mother, saying: "You hate human beings. I know that you can take revenge on me. I don't blame you. This is what I owe you. But don't hurt the child. He also bleeds your blood. He is innocent. Let him go."

  That day, the mother gently touched Qi Hanyi's face for the first time and said, "Yes, he is my child too, he looks so much like me." Then she pinched him again.

She pushed him to the ground and looked at him with disgust like he was looking at garbage and said, "But he is a human being."

  Qi Hanyi felt that his mother at that time was already crazy.

  She stood on the deck, still wearing the dress she had changed into during the day, which was stained with her father's blood.

  She began to sing, a tuneless tune, and then vomited blood.

  At that time, Qi Hanyi didn't understand why his mother vomited blood. It was only later that he learned that when a mermaid's beloved dies, the mermaid will vomit blood and die of grief.

Mermaids are born to be the most affectionate race. It's not that my mother doesn't love my father, it's just that her hatred for humans exceeds this love.

  Later, his mother hugged him for the first time. She hugged him covered in blood, and then jumped into the sea.

  Qi Hanyi had been looking forward to a warm hug from his mother, but at that moment, he was pulled by his mother in the endless sea water, sinking all the way to the deep sea.

  He just felt bitingly cold.

  Su Su stayed in the room for a while and suddenly heard Qi Hanyi's breathing quicken. He turned over and sat up, leaning his head to check, only to find that Qi Hanyi's face was pale, his expression was painful, and his lips were purple.

  Su Su stretched out his hand to touch him. Although the other person was covered with a quilt, his body temperature was frighteningly low at this time.

  Hey, what's going on?

  Su Su was a little panicked, but he didn't dare to say anything. The grandfather outside was too fierce, and he looked like he would kill the fish if something went wrong.

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