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The door was opened from below the room, and Yi Qing swam up from downstairs: "I heard some noise, and I guess you must have woken up..."

She was only halfway through her words when she suddenly paused, her eyes fixed on Su Su, as if she was frozen.

  Mermaids are born with outstanding looks. Female mermaids are generally better looking. Yi Qing's appearance is already one of the best among mermaids, but Su Su is even better than her.

  Moreover, Su Su's appearance is similar to that of most mermaids, either delicate or cute. He is like a depraved siren, beautiful, dangerous, and full of temptation.

  Especially those ears. The auricles are pointed in shape, with some silver fish scales attached to them. There are also a few fish scales that have not receded at the end of the eyes, like diamonds for decoration, or like tears about to fall. These alienated parts made him look more like a demon than a human being.


  The shock in Yi Qing's eyes slowly turned into sympathy, and she muttered in a low voice: "It really failed."

  [How could it be? 】Su Su couldn't use his vocal cords. He wanted to speak, but he only made the sound of "Ahhhhh".

  Fortunately, his mental power was still available, and his meaning was conveyed to Yi Qing accurately.

  Yi Qing sighed, thinking about helping the high priest hide the truth about the mermaid medicine, feeling a little guilty, and explained: "You have turned into a mermaid, but this is only a short-term effect. Within a month, your body will slowly degenerate into a mermaid." Shark."

  [But, why? 】Su Su's smile collapsed. Why did it fail? Is it because his faith is not pious enough? But he clearly wants to become a human, so what went wrong?

  Yi Qing explained to him in detail: "After taking the mermaid medicine you take, no matter whether it is successful or not, it will catalyze the body to turn into a mermaid in a short period of time." "But if anything happens to your body during the transformation,

  The alienation reaction indicates that this transformation has failed. Your body will gradually return to the shape of a shark as the effect of the drug weakens. The cycle is about a month." Yi Qing pointed to Su Su's shadow in the mirror: " Like

  the silver scales at the corners of your eyes and behind your ears now, these are manifestations of alienation, and normal mermaids don't have these on their faces."

  Su Su looked around and saw that the scales did not look like those of a normal mermaid. Su Su felt a little disappointed, but he quickly cheered up and asked Yi Qing: "Then what is considered a success?" 】

  "If the transformation is successful, you should look the same as an ordinary mermaid at this time, and your body will not have any alienation. After three days, you will be able to fully activate your human genes. From then on, you can be in the three forms of human, mermaid, and shark. Switch at will."

  Su Su nodded and picked up the pill box that fell aside: "I must have taken the medicine too quickly and was not ready... Shall I try again? 】

  He picked up the medicine box he had left behind from the ground with his unskilled hands, picked up a capsule and was about to throw it into his mouth.

  The little mermaid hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "What are you doing? This is genetic medicine. If you take it randomly, you will die!" "

  Ah?" Su Su opened his mouth in confusion. He was not taught this in his "electronic textbook" .

  "If you want to take the medicine again, you need to wait for more than a month. This is the recovery time your body needs." Yi Qing said.

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