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  Early the next morning, Su Su swam towards the Mermaid Kingdom.

  The gate of the Mermaid Kingdom is located on the other side of Anle Island, and Su Su has to go around half of Yongle Island to reach it.

He heard that this place used to be a piece of land with cities built by humans. Later, it became an ocean because of rising sea levels.

  The mermaid was born in this land.

  Thousands of years have passed since the land sank.

The outlines of the human cities of the past have long been invisible. Instead, the stone fortress of the Mermaid Kingdom has been built with the help of humans.

There used to be a whole mountain range, but now only the top of the mountain can still show a little bit of land above the sea. As a geographical symbol of the Mermaid Kingdom, it is named Yongle Island.

  While Su Su swam toward the Mermaid Kingdom, a very luxurious yacht also set out to sea from Yongle Island and sailed gently on the sea.

  On the deck, a large group of young men and women gathered together. Some were drinking and playing cards, some were chatting and fishing, and some had changed into diving equipment and were warming up, preparing to show off their skills underwater soon.

  A figure jumped out from the bottom of the water. He held a rifle-shaped weapon in his hand, and pulled a hanging wire on the other end, handing it to the people on the deck: "Quick, hold on."

Everyone immediately crowded into one place, with all their hands in a hurry, Fix the line on a rocker and turn the rocker to retract the line.

  This is a primitive hunting method. Nowadays, if you want to catch fish, there are already more mechanized methods. But this group of young people just want to seek excitement in this primitive hunting.

  As the rocker tightened, a two-meter-long fish flapped and was pulled onto the deck. The crowd burst into cheers.

  "What a big fish!"

  "Young Master Mo is so awesome!"

  "What if the world is unfair? Some people are not only handsome, have a good family background, and are proficient in playing the piano and painting, but they even beat us in minor skills like fishing."

Mo lin took off his oxygen mask and shook it off Shaking his head, he revealed a handsome and handsome face, with blond curly hair spreading behind him, and blue eyes that seemed to be washed clearer by the sea.

Listening to the compliments of the crowd, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing the pride and arrogance of a young man, and he waved his hands: "Don't laugh at me, the really powerful people on our ship are over there." He said and went straight to the deck's corner.

  Everyone's eyes followed Mo Lin's footsteps.

  In the shadow, there is a set of office tables and chairs that are not suitable for the yacht. A young man with broad shoulders and long legs is sitting in an extremely upright posture, immersed in processing the terminal. file.

He wore a pair of blue military trousers and a pure white long-sleeved shirt. In the hot summer, the buttons were buttoned all the way to the top.

  His eyebrows frowned slightly from time to time as if he had encountered a difficult problem, but soon they relaxed again as if he had made a decision. His slender fingers with silver rings tapped in the void from time to time, and through the sensors, Sent out instructions one by one.

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