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  [It really pisses me off. Why can mermaids be kept by humans but not sharks? This is prejudice! ] When he saw the little mermaid, Su Su had not yet recovered from the grievance of being ruthlessly abandoned by humans.

  Sharks are so cute, why not keep Sharks?

  After listening to the whole process described by Su Su, the little mermaid Yiqing also felt that it was very magical, but what made her feel the most magical was Su Su's request: "So you don't want to eat fish now, and you want me to help you find a way to change your mind." Become a real mermaid?"

  Su Su nodded seriously, with a shy tone and expectant eyes: "Is that okay? I am a mermaid, so it stands to reason that I am half mermaid. Is there any way you mermaids can help me activate it? I heard that humans like to keep mermaids the most. As long as I become a mermaid, I can go to the human world and live a life without worrying about food every day. 】

  "Do you... really think that being raised by someone is a happy thing?" Yi Qing asked confused and hesitantly: "Far away from the vast ocean, being bound to a small house forever. Nothing to do all day long. If you do, you can only accept the fate of a vase, or become a machine for breeding offspring. Do you really think this is a happy thing?" She could not understand Su Su's thoughts. She was an adult and her wedding was approaching, but because of

  In this way, she becomes more and more resistant to having to leave the sea and accept the fate of getting married. She likes the life here, the freedom in the sea, the creatures here, and the fat-headed killer whale...

  She wholeheartedly wants to be the partner of the killer whale, and swim freely in the vast ocean with her lover. Hunting, companionship for life. They can go from south to north, all the way to the coldest glaciers, to see the dazzling auroras. You can dive all the way to the sea where the sky cannot penetrate and feel the silence there. You can cruise along every area of ​​the sea and every island along the ocean currents, form a group with other killer whales, fight side by side, dominate a sea area, and taste all the delicious food.

  But she is not an ordinary mermaid, she is the princess of the mermaid kingdom. She is destined to marry a human from birth, and maintains the relationship between the mermaid kingdom and humans through marriage.

  The joys and sorrows of mermaids and sharks are not the same. Yi Qing only thinks that Su Su's idea is outrageous.

  【I feel very good, I can eat enough every day. Moreover, human beings are so cute. When we live together, we can see them every day. Isn't this a very happy thing? As for the small living area? I don't think so. When I become a mermaid, I will have the same legs as a human being. I will be able to walk on land and visit the human world. Of course, the main thing is to be able to eat enough every day...]

  When Su Su talked about eating, his eyes were filled with happiness. The meal yesterday was so satisfying. He had never eaten so full since he was a child. Yes, now that I think about it, I feel endless aftertaste.

  Yi Qing has been in a favorable environment since she was born and has never experienced the taste of hunger. She cannot understand Su Su's strong desire for food.

  Seeing that she couldn't explain it to him, Yi Qing sighed in melancholy: "It would be great if I could give you my identity. We would both be happy." [It's not impossible

  . Su Su patted his chest with his fin and said, "I will marry you, as long as the other party takes care of the food." 】

(MTL) Little shark doesn't want to work anymore Where stories live. Discover now