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He could see that Qi Hanyi's current fighting movements could not be made by manual operation. He must have used his mental power. Once Qi Hanyi used his mental power, it meant that his life had entered a countdown.

  Getting closer, and getting closer, Su Su finally saw the outline of the Baize clearly, and finally searched for the Baize's communication interface.

  Su Su immediately applied for communication.

  [Sending communication request...]

  Hurry up, Qi Hanyi, hurry up!

  But in the empty starship, only electronic beeps echoed.

  [No one responded to the communication request. Do you want to send it again? 】

  Su Su gritted his teeth and clicked to confirm, but the uneasiness in his heart gradually emerged. Why didn't he answer the communication? Qi Hanyi was obviously still fighting. Did he not have time to pay attention? Or is he about to lose consciousness?

  [Send communication request again...]

  [No response to communication request. 】

  Damn it! Su Su's fist hit the control panel hard, tears welling up in his eyes! Already come this far! If it doesn't work, we can only find a way to forcefully open the landing gear of the Baize and risk getting in to find Qi Hanyi.

  This was the backup plan that Su Su thought of, but he also understood that there were six SSS-level Zerg fighting around him, and all kinds of energy flow were mixed together. Just as he got closer, the damage to the starship continued to rise. , if he ventured out of the ship, it would be tantamount to seeking death. The protective clothing would not be safer than the shell of the starship. He might be gone as soon as the door opened.

  Su Su pressed the communication button again without giving up.

  [The communication cannot be connected. It is detected that the communication accounts have the same permissions. Do you want to force communication to be opened? Su

  Su's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that the permissions given by Qi Hanyi could still work here. He pressed confirmation, and the situation in the cab of the Baize was displayed on the communication interface.

  Qi Hanyi, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was wearing pure black protective clothing. His eyes were like cold obsidian, but he had lost his usual commanding look. His eyes were clearly open, but he seemed to be sleeping. He seemed to rely on instinct. While fighting, his consciousness has sunk into the abyss of disorder.

  Sing! Sing to him quickly. Su Su urged himself anxiously in his mind and opened his mouth, but his voice was hoarse. It was like there was a stone stuck in his throat and he couldn't make any sound.

  "Ahhh!" Shark made a futile sound, as if he had forgotten how to speak at this moment.

  Singing, how to sing? Su Su thought hard and finally recalled what Yi Qing said: "Mermaid singing is the embodiment of spiritual power. It is the feeling and resonance of the people and things you love." Feel, resonate, and use spiritual power

  ! Yes, use mental power!

  Su Su forgot that his mental power was still connected to the starship. He simply wanted to use his mental power to feel, resonate, and sing.

  He recalled that starry night, the sea, reefs and beaches, and a young man sinking into the deep sea. He thought of the quiet moonlight at night and the twinkling whiteness of the starry sky. He looked at the battlefield through the window again. The mecha starships were arranged like stars against the surging Zerg. The Zerg twisted their bodies in the blazing flames, and their lives moved towards eternal silence in the cold night. And Zhongzhong, the brilliance that always shines and seems to never fade away, and the person to whom he entrusts his love.

  The song sounded, but the sound did not pass through his throat, nor did it sound in the communicator. Instead, it passed through the Silver Shark and resounded throughout the starry sky in the entire battle area. The soldiers in mechas heard it, the starship pilots approaching the mother insect heard it, and all the soldiers still alive in the assault team heard it.

  They heard the blood-stained sky and falling stars, as well as the eternal flame of hope and faith. The fatigue of the long battle seemed to be swept away in this song. The original confusion, depression, and fear gradually faded away. They remembered their original intention of fighting, the reason why they were standing here, and the place they wanted to protect.

  But Su Su didn't care about this. His singing was only for one person.

  When the song ended, Su Su whispered in a hoarse voice: "Qi Hanyi, I'm here, you are not allowed to die." It was as if the best painter was applying the finishing touch to his favorite painting, and there was a little bit of light in Qi Hanyi's originally empty eyes

  . With a star-like brilliance, his eyes gradually focused on the screen. Qi Hanyi looked back at him tenderly through the communication screen and said, "Okay." "You're awake!" Su Su jumped up from the chair in surprise, tears streaming down his face

  . Suddenly rolled down: "You finally woke up."

  "I heard my little shark calling me." Qi Hanyi said.

  "Well," he hurriedly wiped the tears from his face a few times, but accidentally turned himself into a painted-faced cat. He looked at Qi Hanyi, seeming to have forgotten the fatigue along the way, and raised his chin proudly: "I'll just Say I can always wake you up."

  "Well, you can always wake me up." Qi Hanyi did not ask why Su Su drove the Silver Shark, why he appeared here, and why he looked so haggard. , did not ask him why he sang the mermaid song, nor did he ask how much hardship he suffered along the way. He didn't need to ask. He knew that Su Su was here because he wanted to come to him. He knew that this journey must be a narrow escape, and must be extremely painful. He tried his best to save himself, and he had to repay it with his life's treasure.

  The subsequent battle became much simpler. There was no headache. Qi Hanyi's attack was even faster than before. With Su Su's help from the side using the silver shark, all six males were wiped out.

  On the other side, taking advantage of the opportunity created by Qi Hanyi, other starships finally surrounded and killed the cunning female insect. The mechas that were originally guarding the outside suddenly felt less pressure. The assembled Zerg lost their backbone and began to engage in chaotic internal fighting. However, the commando team successfully returned home after clearing the battlefield.


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