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But he had no choice. This was the best result he could come up with in a short period of time.

  "You control the starship, and I'll turn on the mecha." Qi Hanyi pushed Su Su back into the driver's seat.

  He said in his habitual commanding tone: "Just follow your ideas and leave the rest to me."

  He walked towards the landing bay where the mecha was parked. He knew that he shouldn't help Su Su grab the starship. This would break his lies and increase the risk of his identity being exposed, but he still stood up.

  He couldn't bear to part with Su Susu.

  "Oh." Su Su shook his dorsal fin and agreed subconsciously. But then I thought about it, Qi Hanyi is good at driving mechas, but the other party wants to use the [Canine Tooth] to respond to him later, is that okay?

  But when he wanted to refuse, Qi Hanyi had already walked away.

  Looking at Qi Hanyi's leaving figure, Su Su thought strangely: What is this conditioned reflex of subconsciously agreeing to after hearing it?

  During the brief conversation between the two, the Chongxiao Guild's ten starships had already taken the lead in attacking.

  [Empty Prison] surrounded Su Su's starship on the left and right, and the energy beam formed a long hook in the air, reaching towards Su Su's starship.

  [Flowing Flame] ejected a wall of fire, blocking the path in front of Su Su.

  [Canine Fang] used a charging attitude to collide with Su Su's starship from behind.

  One step closer above the head is the fire blockade of the [Meteorite], and under the feet, an [Ice Explosion] is taking aim.

  The remaining four small starships surrounded the surroundings, blocking all Su Su's escape routes.

  Seeing that the dilapidated starship was about to fall apart in the siege, the pilot of the [Meteorite] mocked maliciously: "Aren't you very capable, can you fight a centipede shield insect alone? Come on, give us a show, you How did you fight?"

  The severely damaged [Silver Dragon] moved, and while the other party was talking, it rammed into the [Canine Fang] rushing towards this direction at full speed.

  "I said, you know you can't beat me, so you just want to hit him to death, right?" The driver of [Canine Tooth] sneered, "That won't work, I haven't had enough fun yet." Su Su ignored the words from the other person

  . His eyes were extremely focused at this time. He had no ammunition, and even his energy was about to bottom out. The only thing he could rely on was the impact of the opponent's starship. His goal was to take advantage of the impact to open a hole in the landing gear of the opponent's starship so that his teammates could sneak in.

  In Su Su's heart, his teammate was just an ordinary player with mediocre skills, but now he was willing to go crazy with him to rob a starship. He must do his best to create the best conditions for the two of them.

  There is only a circular hatch dozens of meters square in place of the landing gear. Because it is a door, this position of any starship cannot be made particularly strong. A strong impact is enough to destroy it.

  But it is not easy to accurately hit a circular hatch of more than ten meters on a starship that is more than a kilometer long.

  The starships on both sides were approaching extremely fast. Su Su carefully followed each other's slight shaking and adjusted the starship's orbit. It was so close that he could even see the painting on the opponent's starship.

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