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After going back and forth, Su Su also lost his temper. In addition, Qi Hanyi was busy testing the newly customized starship for mermaid pilots and was so busy that the two of them didn't speak for several days.

  Su Su, who was having trouble with his relationship, became increasingly cruel in the arena. Recently, several starships were bitten by him with sharks. When the pilots climbed out of the cockpit, their faces were pale and pale. They were obviously bitten by sharks. Su Su's terrifying style of play cast a shadow.

  This also directly led to many people giving up immediately when they were matched with Su Su and not even wanting to fight him. On this day, after matching five players in a row who gave up, Su Su exited the arena out of boredom and found that the private message column was buzzing with activity.

  Su Su looked at them one by one, and they all reminded him to watch the live broadcast.

  [Do you still remember the three people who asked you to team up in the second game? ]

  [The three whose names look like milk tea. ]

  Speaking of milk tea, Su Su had a vague impression that the names of the three people were good, but too weak. It is the weakness that comes from the bones, the smell of prey.

  Su Su does not associate with prey.

  Su Su scrolled down the conversation and saw a video link. The title is very eye-catching, "The preliminaries were evaluated by Whitescale Shark as being too weak. Winning in the semi-finals makes things simple." Wulong Taotao: I want to compete with him. 》

  Compete with whom? me? Su Su looked at the title and became interested.

  [Oolong Taotao] defeated [Turn complexity into simplicity]? This surprised Su Su. He didn't go to watch the rematch, but he recognized the strength of "Simplify Complexity". The foundation was very solid, but it was a little less flexible. But no matter what, we shouldn't lose to [Oolong Taotao].

  The official live broadcast of "Star Wars" can also be watched directly in the game. Su Su clicked on the link and was sent to the live broadcast hall. In front of him is a huge projection, as if the studio is right in front of him, surrounded by a comfortable single room with a small sofa.

  The display table at hand shows the number of online viewers at this time, which is a full 7 million, and it is still rising.

  In the studio hall, the host was already seated, and on the split screen, the scene of the conflict between Su Su and them that day was played back.

  Su Su saw himself on the screen wearing the shape of a shark doll and said coldly: "It's impossible for me to share the points with you. Because in my opinion, you are much weaker than me." After that, there was an argument between the two sides,

  and [Making the complex into simplicity] suddenly offered support: "Whoever forms a team looks for someone weaker than themselves? What, is it targeted poverty alleviation?"

  Then the scene changed and it was the semi-finals. [Oolong Taotao] piloted a starship and fought [Simplified Complexity] back and forth, and finally defeated her.

  Is this [Oolong Taotao]? Su Su became excited and narrowed his eyes slightly. The opponent's style of play was very aggressive. They completely let go of defense and used offense instead of defense. The whole process overwhelmed the opponent and made him unable to breathe. In the rhythm of the scene, there was no chance to hide one's figure.

  Many netizens who watched the show were happy to see this kind of plot in which the weak counter-attacked the strong and slapped them in the face. They all laughed at [Making Complexity Simple] in the barrage for being defeated by someone they looked down on. Some people who were booing said that based on the progress of the three people, they can definitely expect a wave of shots of being slapped in the face in the finals of [White Scale Shark].

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