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Qi Hanyi was unmoved: "Then change the medicine. Don't you have a drug that can completely block mental power?"

  Upon hearing this, Xiang Chen jumped up from his seat in anger: "Qi Hanyi! I would rather take that You refuse to accept the mermaid's treatment even though you have medicine?"

  "What's wrong with that medicine?" Su Su asked curiously, looking like he was just watching the fun, and seemed not to be affected by the quarrel between the two people at all.

  "After taking the medicine, Qi Hanyi's mental power genes will not be passed on to the next generation. His descendants can only be ordinary people without mental power. Qi Hanyi's medicine is equivalent to giving up the family inheritance rights."

"Oh, that's okay." Su Su didn't think this was an important matter.

  Xiang Chen looked at Su Su in disbelief. He couldn't believe that this was coming from the mouth of a mermaid who loved Qi Hanyi deeply: "It's okay? Don't you want to have offspring with Qi Hanyi in the future? Do you know a What does it mean to have an heir without spiritual power?"

  Xiang Chen didn't know that Su Su was male. He was very beautiful, with long hair, and he once appeared in public wearing a skirt. Although the clothes he wore were more masculine now, Xiang Chen still subconsciously regarded him as a female mermaid.

  He believed that since the two of them had feelings for each other, it would be natural for them to have offspring.

  Su Su showed a strange expression. He and Qi Hanyi had a baby? Both of them are men. Can current medical technology allow men to give birth?

  Su Su asked sincerely: "Which one of us will give birth?"

  Xiang Chen was also dumbfounded by Su Su's question. What do you mean, which one of you two will give birth to?

  Qi Hanyi looked at the two people talking about chicken and duck, and couldn't help but interrupt: "I don't plan to have offspring, so this problem does not exist. I can bear the risk of taking medicine myself."

  "Are you crazy or am I crazy? You are the heir, but you don't plan to have descendants? OK, this is your freedom, but you haven't become the head of the family yet. If it is known that you cannot have the best descendants, what will happen to those of you? I'm afraid they will use this to attack you crazily and snatch your inheritance rights. You are now on an unstable footing. Once you are deprived of your inheritance rights because of this matter, Qi Xingli will no longer protect you. Without the support of the family, you will be in the military. It's hard to move forward!"

  Xiang Chen had a headache with worry: "It's okay if this medicine can cure it completely. The key is that it can only be delayed for three months, and you don't even have the mental strength during these three months. If someone takes the opportunity to deal with you by then, , I'm worried that you won't survive until the effect of the medicine ends."

  "I have no choice, Xiang Chen." Qi Hanyi said calmly: "I need you to help me."

  "I..." Xiang Chen squatted with pain on his face On the ground: "I really owe you."

  He rubbed his face hard until it turned red, and then raised his head: "Can't we compromise this time? I know you hate mermaids, but you can't hate them so much that you risk your life, right? ?"

  He stood up and pulled Su Su over: "Look, aren't there cute mermaids? There must be other good mermaids. You can't kill a group of people with one shot, huh?"

"I'm not doing it because of hatred." Qi Hanyi

  I didn't want to say too much, but seeing that Xiang Chen was so anxious about his matter, he explained a few more words: "I admit that I did hate mermaids in the past. I blamed my father's death on my mother and on the mermaids."

"I hate them for hurting my father. They have suffered injustices, but those injustices were not caused by my father, so why should he bear it?"

"But I have figured it out now. I will blame my father's experience on the innocent mermaid's behavior, and what difference does it make if they take revenge on their father?"

  "What really leads to the tragedy is human beings' attitude towards mermaids. If this does not change, tragedies will happen countless times."

"What I should hate is not mermaids, but human beings what I should hate about the way mermaids are treated is not my mother, but the rules that turn my parents into enemies."

"My father was right, he figured this out early on, and he has been trying to break the rules, although It failed.”

  Xiang Chen was very happy to hear Qi Hanyi say such words.

He once thought that that matter would be a knot that Qi Hanyi would never be able to untie in his life, but he didn't expect that he could discuss it with himself calmly now: "Now that you have figured it out, you should accept the treatment of mermaids..."

  "No, Xiang Chen." Qi Hanyi said: "It is such an unfair rule to use mermaids as a tool to treat diseases. If today In order to survive, I compromised with the rules. In the future, what position will I have to oppose it? To change it?"

"I know you are also opposed to this rule, so you want to study drugs to treat mental breakdown, isn't it?"

"But you are different. You are the general of the expeditionary force. If you are alive, you can keep many people alive. If it were you... If it were you..." Xiang Chen said with difficulty, he knew that he had been Qi Hanyi was convinced, but he could never convince Qi Hanyi.

  But he wanted Qi Hanyi to live.

  Xiang Chen turned his eyes to Su Su for help: "Don't you like him? Help him to persuade him! In his current situation, even if he takes medicine, he may not be able to successfully research the treatment method. It is better to have mermaid help to treat him. Don't worry, we can find a mermaid who comes ashore voluntarily, negotiate good terms with that mermaid, and let her leave after she cures Qi Hanyi. We can give her everything she wants."

"But Qi Hanyi doesn't want this"

  Su Su was unmoved and had no intention of helping or persuading him at all. Qi Hanyi has already made his choice, and he has no habit of interfering in other people's choices.

  "Aren't you afraid? If Qi Hanyi dies, the fact that you are a mermaid will inevitably be exposed. Not only will you die, but your family and the mermaid royal family will also be implicated." Xiang Chen reminded. 

He knew that he was despicable as he was now, and he said a lot of things that were against his will, but he had to ensure that Qi Hanyi survived.

  "I'm not afraid." Su Su replied.

  He is afraid of many things, the most afraid of hunger, fear of death, fear of pain, fear of not being able to become a human being, and fear of being caught by Qi Hanyi while playing games.

  But he was not afraid of the situation Xiang Chen said. Su Su clapped his fingers and said, "We still have three months after taking the medicine. It depends on people. If it doesn't work, he will just sleep like today. I will wake him up."

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