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  "Qi Hanyi's father?" This was the first time Su Su heard someone talk about Qi Hanyi's father's generation. Before, he only knew that he had a grandfather.

  "His father is a great man." The butler's eyes were full of longing: "You may not know that at that time, the situation of mermaids in the human world was much more difficult than it is now. The general was the first to propose that mermaids should be equal to humans. rights, and proposes to elect people who have divided mermaids into the military, to participate in driving starships and mechas, and to fight side by side with humans." "Let mermaids drive starships!" Su Su's eyes lit up, wasn't this what he was looking forward to?

  ? If it can be realized, it will be so happy.

  But thinking that the mermaid couldn't even play the game now, Su Su knew that the other party had not succeeded. Su Su couldn't help feeling a little regretful: "Why did he fail?"

  "The resistance was unimaginable, but the general kept insisting. He is a man with strong action. If he were still alive, maybe it would have been achieved by now. But who I can imagine..." The housekeeper's eyes were full of moisture, and his voice was slightly choked.

  Su Su understood the meaning of the housekeeper's words. Qi Hanyi's father died, so this matter could not be realized. Su Su sighed, truly feeling sad for the death of a person: "What a pity." "Who says it's not true." The housekeeper quickly adjusted his mood: "Thinking about it this way, maybe your request at that time touched the young master

  . He said that because of the sad thing. Of course, it is not your fault. It is understandable that you want to play games, and it is not a fault even if you really want to fly a starship. The general once said, as long as you have the intention to protect this Anyone, even a mermaid, is qualified to board the starry sky."

  "Do you have the idea of ​​protecting this planet?" Su Su looked in the direction of the Baize. He is not that great, he just wants to find some excitement. Thinking about it this way, it seems that he is indeed not qualified to pilot a real starship now. But it should be right to play games.

  Su Su tentatively asked the housekeeper: "Then tell me, if I secretly play games behind Qi Hanyi's back and he finds out, will he really kill me in accordance with the law?"

  "Of course not." The steward said firmly, and then added: "But the current laws of the empire are like this. You must act with caution. If you are discovered by others, you will still be in trouble." Su Su was very happy

  . , he was very excited even playing games at night. What was even more happy was that Yan Bai sent him a message, saying that his reaction at noon was a bit excessive. If he really wanted to participate in the game, he could do it, and he didn't need to worry about his identity being leaked.

  After receiving the information, Su Su happily rushed to the registration point.

  This time he registered successfully. After receiving the notice of the preliminary round time, Su Su happily sent a message to his only friend.

  [White Scale Shark]: My registration has passed!

  The other party responded quickly: Congratulations.

  [White Scale Shark]: What about you!

  Qi Hanyi replied: I didn’t pass.

  Of course this was just an excuse, he had no intention of participating in the competition in the first place.

  [White Scale Shark]: Hey! The question is not difficult. If you don’t know how to do it, I will teach you!

  Qi Hanyi stared at the communication, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously. It feels a bit strange to be taken care of by a cute new player in the game.

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