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Just as the House couldn't make up its mind. The online pardon petition brought public opinion to the eyes of the nobles.

  In their petition, pardoning Qi Hanyi is just an introduction. The real request is to relax the Internet restrictions on mermaids. Give mermaids and humans equal access to the Internet and the right to open communication.

  This request is even much bolder than Qi Hanyi's original proposal to allow mermaids to access the game "Star Wars".

  Because the competition held by Qi Hanyi on the Star Network gave them a hope, a hope that the descendants of ordinary humans could become starship pilots if they had spiritual power and talent.

  Theoretically, mermaids can only marry nobles, but there are indeed some people who have free love and marriage with mermaids due to some chance coincidences, and their offspring may also have good mental power.

  In the eyes of most people, mermaids are a distant and romantic species. They have no chance to see them, but they can't help but fantasize about them. Opening up the limits between each other is a good thing for them. If they had the chance to win the favor of an unmarried mermaid, they might also be able to have heirs with better genes, and their offspring would also be able to gain superior mental power. He even joined the army and performed meritorious service, achieving a class leap from civilian to aristocrat.

  This petition was unexpected by Qi Hanyi, which was a good sign, but at the moment, it was too early for him to appear. Before the time was ripe, this petition made the conservative nobles feel threatened. Their long-term monopoly on mermaids and the privilege of gaining genetic advantage is now under threat.

  The sky was extremely gloomy, and the cold wind was biting, screaming through the stacked buildings.

  Qi Hanyi was wrapped in a windbreaker and stood upright in front of the unoccupied tombstone. On the stone steps at his feet was a bouquet of white flowers.

  A piece of snow fell on his sleeve, and was gently brushed away by his sharp-jointed fingers. Qi Hanyi said: "Dad, the snow is about to start falling."

  Chapter 64

  After punishing the three players who provoked this turmoil, Qi Hanyi did not intend to let go of the person behind it.

  Through investigation, Qi Hanyi quickly found out the person in charge behind the game, Mo Shan, from their recent large transfer income among several agents on the game operator side.

  Mo Shan's motive for doing this was very clear, which was profit.

  Mo Shan accepted "Star Wars" in order to make a profit, but under the control of the military, the game currency was strictly prohibited from interacting with real money. Therefore, both daily operations and the revenue from hosting the game were far less than Mo Shan's expectations.

  So Mo Shan targeted the casino. He cooperated with the casino and opened a gambling game privately. He placed bets on players who thought they could make it out of the top ten, and if they won, they would get a certain amount of rebates.

  Those players who are outstanding and everyone is optimistic about them have extremely low odds. Even if they win, they will not make much money. If you really want to make money, you have to bet on the less popular players.

  During the rematch, Mo Shan had a large sum of money flow into the casino, all of which was placed on the three accounts he played for, and he made a lot of money as a result.

  Of course, now, due to the reversal of the situation, the bookmakers involved have been investigated, and all those who profited from it have also been asked to return their profits.

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