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He didn't know what to do. The scene of the two kissing just flashed through his mind, and he could still recall the numbing feeling.

  Is it going to be like that?

  The moment their lips touched, Qi Hanyi came back to his senses. As the headache gradually eased, his chaotic consciousness gradually became clearer.

He realized belatedly that the posture of the two of them was inappropriate at the moment, and recalled Xiang Chen's meaningful eyes just now. , Qi Hanyi looked a little at a loss: "What are you doing."

  "I want to bite you." Su Su licked his lips and said sincerely: "Don't use force, just like you did just now, okay?"

  " Not now," Qi Hanyi turned away. His face was still pale, but his ears were red: "You come down first."


Su Su climbed off Qi Hanyi with an upright expression, as if he had just been playing a gangster.

  The person asking for a kiss is not the same as him.

  "Get dressed." Qi Hanyi sat up and picked up Su Su's discarded coat. He caught a glimpse of the scales on his body again and paused, realizing that the effects of the medicine Su Su had taken this time were probably about to wear off.

  Qi Hanyi waited for Su Su to tidy up his clothes, and he was also dressed neatly. When he opened the door, except that his face was still a little pale, he had basically returned to his usual state.

  Xiang Chen stood at the door and saw Qi Hanyi coming out. He put on an exaggerated expression of surprise and looked at Qi Hanyi: "So fast?"

Qi Hanyi ignored him and used a little imagination to realize that the two of them were not in the room just now.

  What might happen? Even if Xiang Chen thought wrong at first, Kung Fu should have figured it out by now. Now he was obviously playing tricks on him.

  He looked at the butler, Uncle Zhang, who was waiting aside, and asked, "Where is the head of the family?"

  Uncle Zhang said, "In the study. You have informed me when you woke up."

There were rapid footsteps in the corridor, and while they were talking, Qi Xingli had already brought him with him.

People rushed over, his steps were hurried and his expression was tense. It was not until he saw Qi Hanyi standing well in front of him that he visibly relaxed.

  "Master of the house." Qi Hanyi called.

  Qi Xingli glared at Qi Hanyi with a cold face: "Don't call me the master of the family."

  Qi Hanyi lowered his head, with a bit of shame in his eyes: "I made you worry."

Qi Xingli pointed at Qi Hanyi with his hand and became furious: "What am I worried about? You are not the only one who can be the heir of the Qi family!"

  Qi Hanyi sipped. Pursing his lips, he knew that his grandfather was really angry and frightened, so he lost his usual dignified and indifferent shell, and said such words like a child out of anger.

  But they each had different opinions on using mermaids to treat illnesses. He would not compromise with his grandfather because of this, so he could only fool him first.

  "I'm fine. I won't die here. I promised you that I will take over the responsibility of the Qi family from you, protect the empire, and not lose the glory of the family."

"You remember what you said the most!"

Qi XingLi stared at Qi Hanyi like a hawk:
"There are clearly divided mermaids in the family, but you went to hide in the military camp and waited for the symptoms to occur. I thought you wanted to make me angry to death on purpose."

Xiang Chen noticed that the atmosphere was stiff, took the initiative to take a step forward: "Grandpa Qi, it must be Qi Hanyi's fault for not treating the disease properly. However, this patient has just recovered and his body still needs to be nursed back to health. How about you train him another day? Let me do a full body examination on him first. Situation."

  Qi Xingli's face became better then: "Who has time to train him! He's awake, and I should go back. His Majesty also announced that I would come to the palace to discuss matters, so how could I have so much time to watch over him."

"Hey, okay, Grandpa, walk slowly." Xiang Chen immediately cooperated.

  Qi Xingli just took two steps, but turned back and glared at Qi Hanyi who was lifting his back but lowered his head and said nothing.

Then he looked at Su Su who was peeping behind him, and finally his eyes fell on Su Su: "You, Your name is Yi Qing?"

  "Ah?" Su Su was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Ah!"

  Qi Xingli's tone was cold and gracious: "Thanks to you for everything this time. If you want any reward, you can tell me. "

  "Reward?" Su Su thought for a while. He didn't lack anything now. He had food, drink, and fun. He didn't want anything from Qi Xingli.

He just wanted him to leave quickly so that he could go back to playing games with peace of mind.

  So he said: "Then don't scold Qi Hanyi. He definitely didn't want to get sick."

  As soon as he said this, people in the corridor had different expressions.

  Qi Xingli was stunned for a long time, and then he seemed to be recalling some past events, his eyes showing a bit of touch. It was as if he was seeing Su Su for the first time, and he took a serious look at his nominal granddaughter-in-law, instead of just treating her as a tool merman.

  Qi Hanyi was more surprised. He didn't expect that when he left like that last time, Su Su was not only willing to save him, but even interceded for him. This silly fish probably doesn't know how valuable Qi Xingli's favor is.

  Xiang Chen's eyes were much more ambiguous. He thought that he had seen it right just now.

Even if the two people did not take the last step, they must have some interest in each other. 

Especially for this kind of mermaid, who was so worried about Qi Hanyi's comfort before, and now pleads for him, he must like Qi Hanyi and not run away.

  Tsk, for such a beautiful and innocent mermaid, how could Qi Hanyi's ice cube be so virtuous?

  Qi Xingli: "Then Qi Hanyi will be taken care of by you. From today on, you will live in Qi Han's room and sing to him every day until he fully recovers."

This was something Su Su thought of.

He knew that Qi Hanyi Hanyi's health is not good at all now. He may faint at any time and be in danger. It would be easier to save others by guarding him by himself.

  Su Su raised his chin: "Qi Hanyi is the person I rescued. I would have taken a good look at him even if you didn't tell me. Otherwise, the rescue would not have been in vain."

These words were not very respectful, but in Qi Xingli's ears, they sounded more sincere and frightening.

   Guarantees are more reassuring.

  Qi Xingli nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time he vaguely understood why Qi Hanyi was willing to keep this mermaid in the first place. He has the same beautiful face as Qi Hanyi's mother, but they are different.

This mermaid is simple, straightforward, and enthusiastic. What's more valuable is that he treats Qi Hanyi sincerely.

  A look of satisfaction appeared in Qi Xingli's eyes, and his tone rarely softened: "You are a good boy. It was my fault before and my attitude towards you was too harsh. As long as you can help me take good care of Qi Hanyi, the Qi family will surely I won’t treat you badly. In this way, I will open a special communication channel for you. If Qi Hanyi disobeys or bullies you in the future, you can tell me directly. The request just now does not count, my promise is still valid for you, you If you need help with anything in the future, you can also tell me via communication.”

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