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  "There's nothing inappropriate. If he can really do it, it's reasonable to recommend him to the first place." Jian Cheng tried hard to organize his words: "But I'm worried that this reward may not be given out." "This is not what you need to worry about."

  Qi Han Yi: "What do you think?"

  "No objection." The other pilots smiled apologetically, thinking that if he could really pass the level, let alone the finals, we would have no objection to being ranked first.

  "Then it's settled." With the final word, Qi Hanyi motioned to Jian Cheng to communicate with the game party.

  Su Su had already flown away from the defensive area of ​​the supply point. After a while, he entered the copy Qi Hanyi selected for him.

  Due to time constraints, the spatial connection between the two copies was not particularly natural. Su Su could clearly feel the surrounding space, a strange sense of dislocation, and the flow of the insect tide was also slightly different.

  But this made Su Su more certain that he had found the right path. There are no SS-level Zerg in the game. It is probably because of my own choice that I broke the original design of the game and temporarily added a map.

  The decision to find the female insect was not Su Su's impulsive decision.

  From the moment he entered the game, Su Su had been thinking about what he would do if this was a real war.

  Su Su didn't know how to organize troops and couldn't see the doorways in the defense map at a glance, but even he had to admit that the arrangement of "come and no return" was very reasonable.

  According to the "no return" arrangement, they will stay here for four or five hours until the expeditionary force comes back. The vast majority of people here can survive, and it's a happy ending.

  But Su Su didn't like this ending. Military academy trainee students are not strong enough to fight against the Zerg, so they can only survive under the Zerg attack and wait for rescue?

  Why? It's not like he can't really beat him.

  Who is the prey and who is the predator? Why was he trapped in a Zerg attack waiting for someone to save him?

  This is a battlefield, and they are wearing the combat uniforms of the expeditionary force. At this moment, they are not just here as the expeditionary force.

  Why wait for someone else to save you? Only the weak allow themselves to fall into passivity. What if you can't wait to be rescued? Of course, this is a game, they will definitely wait, but they really can't wait. As long as enough people are eliminated, the remaining 100 people will also advance.

  But Su Su didn't want to wait.

  When [No Return] seized control, Su Su finally found his answer. He does not want to leave his fate to the expeditionary force that he has never met, nor will he listen to the arrangements of a player who has cheated him many times.

  He has to solve this Zerg attack from the root by himself.

  Since he was tricked by the centipede shield bug last time, he has been secretly making up lessons these days, and his understanding of the bugs is not limited to the giant bugs in the universe.

  He knew about the existence of female insects, and also knew that every Zerg army was controlled by a female insect silently. She would choose an energy-rich planet to build her nest, absorb the energy of this planet, and continuously give birth to offspring until A nested planet is depleted of energy.

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