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The ship used by Yan's Shipping is a floating ship. This is a special ship modeled after a floating car. It does not sail directly on the sea, but relies on its own power to fly low and close to the sea at extremely fast speeds. The floating boat is less affected by wind and waves when flying, is less likely to be bumpy, and is faster. It only takes two days to travel between the Empire and Liberty Island, which are half a planet apart.

  The sun dropped from the horizon little by little, and the quiet night covered the sky.

  Su Su was sitting in the standard cabin on the top floor, looking down at the silent sea level through a layer of glass.

  This feeling made him feel a little fresh. He remembered that he had stuck his head out from the sea and looked up at the starry sky above him countless nights. He had been extremely eager to leave this sea area, go to the land, and go to the sky.

  Now he seems to have achieved it all.

  There was a long chirping in the distance. This sound did not belong to birds, but came from whales in the sea.

  Hearing this voice, Su Su couldn't help but think of the little mermaid Yiqing who fell in love with the killer whale. I don't know if she is happy living among the killer whales now.

  He should be grateful to Yi Qing for the accidental separation, otherwise, maybe he and Qi Hanyi would not have this wonderful fate.

  Su Su was lost in thought when there was a knock on the door of the room. 06 appeared at the door with dinner: "Let's have something to eat. I've been busy all day and didn't have time to have lunch." The dinner was some fish dishes, undercurrent.

  The people here obviously have a lot of experience in handling seafood, and the ingredients are already delicious enough. Su Su was aroused by the aroma from a distance.

  Su Su came to the door in a wheelchair and took the dinner: "Thank you."

  06 smiled heartily: "No, speaking of it, I want to thank you. I know that the organization was not planning to attack the training center now, but You persuaded Yan Bai to change his decision. Although this action may seem reckless and impulsive to the undercurrent, for me, it is undoubtedly the best result." "Don't thank me, I persuaded Yan Bai because

  Myself. It surprises me that a human like you exists." Su Su's eyes flashed with confusion: "Obviously he is a human, but he is completely thinking about the mermaid."

  06 His love for mermaids is different from that of Qi Wu. Qi Wu loves both the house and the crow. He first fell in love with An Xun and then started to care about the mermaids. But 06 doesn't specifically love any mermaid, but she feels sad and guilty for the misfortune of those mermaids. Saving the mermaid did not bring any benefit to her, but she risked her entire life on it.

  Su Su couldn't figure it out and didn't understand. But he doesn't hate 06 either, and even admires her a little.

  06 seemed a little embarrassed: "Don't call me so great, I just did what I should do. I have never regarded mermaids and humans as two different species. We all have the same emotions and the same thinking, and mermaids can also Those who become humans can even breed offspring for humans, so why should we draw boundaries and hurt each other?" "So when Yan Bai first came to me, he said that they wanted to help mermaids fight for their rights and save those harmed by humans.

  When I was a mermaid, I agreed to join without hesitation." "

  By the way, I have sorted out the videos I took in the training center and are ready to send them out. I believe that more people will be able to see the mermaid this time. The real situation, join the team that supports the mermaid."

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