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What hung on the fishing net was not the big fish Su Su was expecting, but a slender and sweet-looking mermaid girl. Her black hair is like a waterfall, and she wears a gauze skirt made of crocodile silk. The long fishtail is pearly white, and it shines gracefully in the night, reflecting the holy and beautiful face, like moonlight. The condensed spirit.

  It's just that at this moment, she was entangled in the fishing net, and her hair was torn during the struggle. She was embarrassed.

  She was busy untying the thread hook on her skirt when she heard Su Su's voice and turned around. When she turned back, Su Su was rushing toward her with his mouth open and stopped abruptly less than one meter away.

  But the mermaid girl did not show any fear on her face. Instead, she opened her curious eyes and looked at the shark in front of her.

It looked a bit like a tiger shark in front of me, but it was too small as if it was underage. But judging from its physical characteristics, it was an adult tiger shark. It looks pretty, and its scales are brighter than those of ordinary tiger sharks and are silvery white.

The little mermaid became interested and didn't care about breaking away from the fishing net. She waggled her tail and moved towards Su Su: "I have never seen such a small adult tiger shark. Are you a mermaid?"

The little mermaid spoke in a special language of mermaids, the sound was clear and sweet, like the sound of water droplets falling on the rocks. This language contains a special spiritual power that can make any marine creature understand their meaning.

Some sea creatures that are not very smart or have weak mental power can even be controlled by this sound. Sharks are born with a certain amount of intelligence, so they are not easily tricked.

  Mermaids are very special existences in the sea. They were born in human cities that were submerged in the sea thousands of years ago. They have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish.

  After they reach adulthood, they will change their shape according to the person they fall in love with. If the person they fall in love with is not a mermaid but a fish or a human, they will evolve into a look similar to the other race. If they fall in love with a mermaid, they will remain half-human and half-human. The appearance of the fish remains unchanged.

  Mermaids can be said to be the race with the widest range of tastes in the ocean.

There is no reproductive isolation between them and any marine creatures. The types of marine creatures they partner with are so numerous that they could fill a marine encyclopedia. And the offspring they give birth to after merging with marine creatures will only be born in the form of fish, with slight alienation.

This kind of hybrid between mermaids and other marine creatures is collectively called mermaid species.

  Su Su is indeed a mermaid. His father is a strong tiger shark and his mother is a beautiful female mermaid. But that was a memory from a long time ago.

Tiger Shark has no habit of raising children. As a mermaid, his mother followed the local customs. After giving birth to him, she left with his father. When he was young, he lived and hunted with other young sharks.

  Su Su waved his tail, confirming what the little mermaid said.

  He came close to the little mermaid and pulled the net with his teeth, trying to untie it.

  The little mermaid cannot be used as food, otherwise, the guards of the mermaid kingdom will probably use torpedoes to hunt him down. So we have to release the people quickly so that we can rearrange the trap.

(MTL) Little shark doesn't want to work anymore Where stories live. Discover now