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The young mermaid stood in front of Xiang Chen. His figure was slender and straight, and his eyebrows were delicate and charming. But at this moment, he looked at Xiang Chen, his eyes were straightforward and sincere, with an almost innocent fearlessness: "No matter how many times , I will find a way to wake him up."

  At this moment, Xiang Chen suddenly understood why Qi Hanyi treated him so differently.

  Qi Hanyi looked at the young man in front of him, his heart swelled violently, and strange emotions surged in his chest.

  He likes Su Su, even if he has mermaid blood on his body.

  Qi Hanyi wanted to hold him in his arms and hug him tightly.

  But he just stepped forward and held the other person's shoulders, and gently rubbed the top of the other person's hair.

  After his head was rubbed, Su Su suddenly felt a sense of familiarity, as if someone had done the same action not long ago.

  Su Su stood there in a daze, raising his eyes to the top of his head, trying to remember: Who is it?

  Chapter 35

  Xiang Chen finally gave the medicine to Qi Hanyi.

  After Qi Hanyi finished his examination, he went to the training room to train as usual. Although his mental strength was no longer available, he still had to keep up with other aspects of training.

  Su Su stayed in Qi Hanyi's room, watching the housekeeper move his clothes, supplies, and even a small fish tank into the room, slowly filling the originally empty room, and suddenly felt that he and Qi Hanyi had been together before. Is your decision to live a bit hasty?

  Apart from anything else, what would Qi Hanyi do if he found out that he was secretly playing games behind his back after staying under the same roof every day?

  Before Su Su could figure out the result, he saw the housekeeper delivering a circular cabin that was two meters long and more than one meter wide. Several robots responsible for the installation connected the top of the cabin to Su Su's pool, making it clear that it was for his use.

  Su Su had never seen this thing before, so he chased the housekeeper curiously and asked, "What is this?" "

  It's the nutrition cabin from "Star Wars"." Qi Hanyi opened the door and came out of the training room. He had just taken a shower, and there was still some residue on his head. The wet moisture dissipated the previous chill on my body.

  "Why... why are you giving me this? I can't play with it." Su Su was more surprised than happy, and his eyes flicked around guiltily.

  Why send him a nutritional cabin! Did Qi Hanyi know that he secretly played games? Didn't he say he would be punished with death if he was caught?

  ...He doesn't look angry at all.

  "I can help you modify the permissions." Qi Hanyi looked at Su Su seriously: "I'm sorry for saying that to you before. In the future, you can play games for as long as you want."

"This game When I customized the cabin, I modified the identification system. Even if you transform back into a shark or a mermaid, you can still play games in it without any interference."

Su Su looked at the design of the nutrition cabin, which was indeed very detailed, including his entry and exit of the cabin

  The doors are designed in two ways.

One is like a normal nutrition cabin, opening from above so that you can get up and walk out.

The other is to open a passage connected to the pool. Su Su can swim directly back to his residence through the passage. in the pool.

  Su Su looked at the game cabin eagerly. He clearly liked it, but there was a bit of confusion in his expression - if he asked Qi Hanyi to change the authorization for him, wouldn't he immediately reveal his secret?

  But if he refuses, there will be no reason to play games in Qi Hanyi's room in the future, so how can he compete?

  And... the nutrition cabin, if you live in it, you don’t need to be interrupted by various real-life things, and you can concentrate on playing games. He had wanted one for a long time.

  Su Su thought about it again and again, but chose to tell the truth. Since Qi Hanyi had agreed to him playing the game, it meant that Qi Hanyi didn't think it was wrong for the mermaid to play the game, so it shouldn't be a big deal if he played it earlier.

  Su Su clasped the smooth casing of the nutrition cabin: "Actually, I... already have authorization."

  "You have..." Qi Hanyi's face changed slightly: "Who gave it to you?"

  Su Su shook his head, he didn't want to betray Yan Bai. Discussing in a low voice: "Can you not ask?"

  Qi Hanyi was silent for a moment, showing a somewhat helpless look: "Okay, I won't ask."

  Su Su looked up at him in surprise. Are you so talkative today?

  Su Su felt guilty, fearing that Qi Hanyi would regret it, so he quickly said: "Then I'm going to play games." "

  Yeah." After Su Su got into the game cabin, Qi Hanyi stepped forward to hold his lid and added: " Since you won't tell me who gave you the account, remember not to tell him that I gave you the game cabin. Just pretend that I still don't know about you playing the game."

"Okay." Su Su nodded

  . I wonder, is this some strange comparison in human beings?

  Unable to figure it out, he simply gave up. Cover the game cabin and enter the game.

  Qi Hanyi actually guessed the answer.

  Su Su had not come into contact with many humans, and he could count the number of people he was familiar with on one hand. Among them, the one with the most suspicious behavior was Yan Bai, and it was after talking to him that Su Su asked him Want to play the game.

  Qi Hanyi originally suspected that Yan Bai and Su Su had made some agreement, so Su Su mentioned the "Star Wars" game to him. 

Now that I think about it, Yan Bai not only asked Su Su to test him with game permissions, but even before that, he was sure that he would refuse Su Su, so he gave Su Su permission in advance.

  If he just wanted to play games with Su Su, there would be no need to make so many calculations. The other party's purpose was obviously not pure.

  Qi Hanyi did not ask Su Su again, but opened his own communication and contacted the deputy general Jian Cheng: "What did you find when you investigated Yan Bai?" Jian Cheng: "After the other party returned to the company, he went to work during the day and was busy socializing at night

  . I go drinking with my subordinates when necessary, and occasionally play games. My life is very regular, and no abnormalities are found."

  No abnormalities were found. Qi Hanyi stared at this sentence.

  The biggest exception is the absence of exception. Yan Bai's persona in front of others is that of an arrogant young master. He can ruin the reputation of an only son of a high-status nobleman because he vented his anger on Su Su. Such a person returns to his own company, but does not bother or cause trouble. Go to work peacefully every day and play games occasionally?

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