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Detention, Hooray. I wonder what they're planning for me this time: a speech about how important this year is for my future? calling my parents with me in the same room? pretending I'm having some kind of therapy session with them thinking I will tell them all about my life and everything? or maybe just put me in a room alone and watch me make my homework.

Probably, All of the above.

I walked into the detention classroom and to my surprise, I wasn't going to be alone this hour. Billie Joe Armstrong was also sitting here, probably for whatever he had done during lunch in the garden.

''Sup'' He says as I take a seat two tables away from him.
I roll my eyes. ''Hi''
''So what brings you to detention today?'' He asks, with a shit eating grin on his face as if he's prepared to make fun of me.
''I threw a book at Mr. May'' I confess, Shamefully but not shameful enough to damage my pride.
''oh my god? why?'' He asks me in disbelief, Did throwing a book go too far? Too far even for me?
''He called me a schizophrenic because I said that a question asked me something'' I roll my eyes.
''He probably just meant it as a stupid joke tho'' Billie Joe tries to defend Mr. May.
''yeah yeah I don't care these people have been breathing down my neck all day and I just snapped.'' I groan and cross my arms as I lean back in my chair.

''I noticed.'' Billie Joe chuckles
''Oh shut the fuck up'' I snap.
''Okay I'm sorry'' Billie Joe says in a pretty surprised tone,
I shrug and look away from him and stare to the chalkboard in front of me.

I realize that since he tried to make some small talk with me I should have the manners to do it back, And so I ask... ''Why are you here?''
''I was smoking in the toilets and I called the principal a dickhead..''
This made me chuckle, laugh even.
''A dickhead?'' I ask while chuckling.
''yeah what's so funny about that?'' He asks.
''I don't know but calling our PRINCIPAL a dickhead goes far you know?'' I laugh.

''You know you have shown an act of violence towards a teacher today right? Isn't that like way worse than calling someone a dickhead?'' Billie Joe laughs.

''Maybe, I don't know, I don't make the rules of what's worse and what not.'' I roll my eyes and try to hide my grin at him. Maybe this wasn't going to be such a horrible hour after all.

The teacher walks into the class room, Shit the detention supervisor is Mr. May this time.
''Oh shit'' Billie Joe laughs at me.
I'm not even able to look Mr. May in the eyes, I was mad but throwing a book at him indeed went too far but I'm not good at apologizing at all, I actually never apologize if I don't have to or feel like it.

''Well look who we got here....Mrs. Crimson.'' Mr. May says and his strict eyes meet mine.
''I don't know what is going on in that little stupid brain of yours but you need to learn how to think before doing something.'' Mr. May snaps.

''It's called being impulsive sir, I'm pretty impulsive when people tend to make me mad.'' I sarcastically laugh back at him.

''I don't want to hear a single word from you, both of you!'' He says strictly.

''Mrs. Crimson, you're making a resume of the entire math book and if it's not finished by the end of this hour, you'll get another hour of detention tomorrow to finish it! am I clear?''

I stay quiet. A resume of the entire fucking math book!?!? That like a 500 page book, it's going to take me weeks of detention to make a resume of that!

''Speak up crimson'' Mr. May yells
I scribble something on a paper.

'Sorry, You said you didn't want to hear a word from us'
I hold it up for him to read.

''Very funny Crimson.'' He snatches the paper from me and throws it in the trash can. ''And for you Armstrong, You will get nothing. Nothing to do.''

Billie Joe smiles thinking he's lucky. ''fine by me sir!'' He says.

''Oh no you won't even get a pencil, you'll get nothing to keep you entertained. So good luck for the next week Armstrong, It's going to be a few miserable, boring hours!''
Mr. May says and carefully takes a seat at the desk that's right in front of me.

After half an hour of writing this stupid math resume I turn my head to face Billie who's just staring outside of the window until he notices me watching

''Here'' I whisper and pass him a note.

'I hate it here, May looks like a fucking poodle and I can't un see it'

The note reads. I can hear Billie Joe chuckle trying to hold his shit together.

''Is something funny Mr. Armstrong?'' Mr. May says as he looks up from his book. ''No I'm sorry sir nothing's funny'' Billie Joe responds.

I write down another note as soon as Mr. May starts reading again. This time it says: 'Here a pencil stump so you can write back!' Billie Joe smiles at it and quickly writes something down.

'Wanna sit together at Chemistry or Art together tomorrow? It's boring being alone and you seem nice.'

I look at him after I read it and smile while nodding.

Something about Billie Joe seems different in this detention class, he used to be a grade above me so I never really noticed him, I only ever heard rumors about him doing the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my entire life and when my parents would hear it from other parents they would always warn me with something like: ''That boy is nothing but trouble, If he ever tends to speak to you just walk away!''

Well that's too late now I guess...

But back to what's off about him, We're in chemistry and art class together and he now most likely is doing useless stuff in the back of the class where the teacher isn't able to see him or he just doesn't come to school at all. But he's not interrupting the class or anything like that, I think it's because of his best friend: Micheal. He's now a senior, but Billie Joe failed last year so now they're separated.

I of course understand how that feels and that's why I'm acting so shit too you know? When you don't have friends to make fun with, you have to make it yourself and trouble is the most fun you can get when you're alone. I'm not really a trouble maker, I'm just a sad fucking teenage girl that wants her grandfather to be alive again and her parents to be a little less strict about life. But of course that's not possible so I just do random shit out of pure boredom and the school just doesn't seem to like that.

I only finished a quarter of the resume and the hour was almost up.

''How far are you?'' Mr. May asks me as he saw me daydreaming for most of the hour.
''Quarter'' I reply bluntly.
''Well then I'll see you again tomorrow Crimson.'' He shrugs.

I sigh.

''Fuck this shit.'' I say as I pack my stuff
''Language!'' Mr. May yells at me as I walk out of the classroom, I can hear Billie Joe laugh as he follows me out the door.
''You seem nice? really?" I say as Billie Joe suddenly walks beside me.
''Yeah you do'' He gently nudges my shoulder.
''I Literally violently assaulted a teacher. How do I seem nice?'' I chuckle.
''It's something about the way your eyes speak to me'' He suddenly starts talking spiritually, I like it somewhat.

''My eyes?'' I ask curiously.
''Yeah you're eyes show me a lot more than the 'angry tough' girl you try to show'' He shrugs and grins.

I laugh at him. 'You're fucking high aren't you?''

''Sobered up for my talk with the principal don't worry'' He assures me.
''Well nice talking to you I guess'' I put my left hand in my pants' pocket and the other hand holds my bag.
''Yeah'' Billie Joe says with a soft chuckle.

and We separate our ways when we head home.



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