٠Twenty One٠

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Vivienne's POV:

It's Saturday morning, And my 17th birthday, Finally. Being 16 was a living nightmare to be honest, So much good and so much terrible stuff happened, Finally 17. Finally a new age to put a shame to when I'm older.

I step out of bed and get dressed before even going down stairs for breakfast, I'm sure my mom is gonna take pictures of me for blowing out the candle's and shit so I want to look good in those, I mean. You only turn 17 once am I right?

While I'm doing my make-up my phone rings, I walk up to my desk to pick it up.


''Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you my sweet Vivienne.'' Billie sings for me. 

I can't help but smile, And blush as he called me at 8 in the morning just to wish me a happy birthday like this while he normally sleeps in until something like 1.

'Awh Billie!'' 

''Happy birthday love, How are you doing?'' 

''Good actually, you're coming over tonight right?'' 

''For what?" He jokes. 

''Very funny Billie but I'm serious this wouldn't be a proper party without you and I wouldn't want you to miss it at all, I would rather postpone it!'' I laugh, I'm madly in love with him. Hopeless. It's almost worrying. 


''I'm there at 8, Don't worry so much love it's your birthday you should just have a good time!'' He comforts me. '

'Yeah yeah.'' 

''So, Did your parents already come in to sing for you this morning or have you had your special birthday breakfast yet or whatever?" 

''Nope you're the first one today, I'm still getting ready to go downstairs but you called me haha.'' 

''Oh okay, Well enjoy whatever you and your family traditions are on birthdays.'' Billie giggles. 

''Will do! And...Billie?" I ask him before we hang up. 

''Yes, Vee?'' 

''No expensive or big presents okay? A little note would already just be the cutest thing ever.'' I plead,

I love Billie with my whole heart and I would give my everything for him but I really do not want him to waste his money on me at all. 

''We'll see about that.'' He chuckles. 

''Oh for fucks sake Billie.'' I laugh, Knowing he has done or bought something that is already too much. He is already to much, Let alone his gifts.

I head downstairs, Usually on my birthday my mom, dad and brother Mike would be around the kitchen island waiting for me to wake up to surprise me and want me to blow out the candles for my birthday cake immediately. But today is different, Everyone's gone. I search around the kitchen but both Mike and my mom are nowhere to be found and of course my dad doesn't live here anymore.

''Mom? Mike?'' I yell confused at where everyone is, It can't even be the fact that I'm up so early because the whole house usually wakes up at 6 to decorate for somebody's birthday and right now it's already 9.

''Mom? Mike?'' I yell again. 

''Yeah Vivienne? What do you want?'' My mom groans as she comes down stairs in her bathrobe. 


''What is it? And why are you dressed? It's a Saturday!'' My mom raises an eyebrow. 

''I wanted to look good for the pictures...'' I mumble, She clearly forgot. I know that the divorce and everything must have been terrible for her too but the fact that it got her to a point of forgetting her own daughter's birthday goes pretty far to me. 

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