٠Twenty Three٠

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Vivienne's POV:

I'm in math class, With Amber and Celest. Billie has dropped math's for his second year of being a junior. Lucky bastard.

''Mrs. Crimson, Can I talk with you after class?'' Mr. May asks me. I look up, A little confused. I don't remember fucking around in his class other than the usual of doodling and listening to music while I'm supposed to be making my assignments or listening to his bullshit explanations about how to find an X and Y and whatever math is about anyway. I don't know.

''Uhm...Yeah sure I guess?'' I say with a hint of confusion in my tone.


Class is over and just like I was asked to do I go to Mr. May's desk and wait for him to just talk about whatever he wanted to talk about.

''So, Mrs. Crimson how are you holding up?''

''What do you mean sir?''

''I mean, Are you over your little anger issues towards me.'' He gives me a strict look, Implying that he's still pretty angry at what I did at the start of this school year.

''That was like 10 months ago?'' I raise an eyebrow, I'm a little confused why Mr. May is bringing this up again.

''Mrs. Crimson, That was really unacceptable behavior and I was wondering if you got over it, You haven't really been acting up in ways like that anymore.'' He look back at the tests he needs to grade.

''Well, I've gotten older in those 10 months and you haven't upset me like that anymore so I didn't have a reason to throw my books at you once again?" I roll my eyes at him, Gosh this man can literally burn in hell if it were for me.

''Well I'm glad, But you're still on the edge of failing this class and I'm worried for you passing this year when you fail this class.'' He says, A slight worry in his tone.

''Well I'm dropping this class anyway so I don't think it really matters anymore at this point, There's really no way of fixing my grades anymore at this point.'' I reply.

''Well, I'm pretty disappointed that you're dropping this class next year, You do have the potential to get good grades and actually be a straight A student, But just...It's your choice and if you don't want to work for it, Nobody's going to force you, I'm just here to tell you that you do have the potential to be a good student.''

I sigh, Mr. May is probably right about that. I mean I never really put effort in my school work and to be fair, Most teachers must actually just be grateful with the fact that I'm actually coming to their classes at all, While I could be somewhere in town having a good time.

''Well yeah I know but I'm just going to my senior year like this, I don't care. I don't need to be a straight A student, I can just go and finish my junior year with my C and B grades and I will be perfectly fine I'm sure.''

Mr. May gives me a hesitating look. ''Well, Vivienne...'' He starts, Still thinking if he should be telling me this. ''Your mentor told me you were going to fail this entire year if you don't get your grades up at all, Not only for this class but for all of them.''


''You really need to start focusing on your studies, Even if it's just for this last semester but I really hope you will just try to pick yourself up and begin to study so you can at least pass your junior year.''


''Language Mrs. Crimson''

''Sorry, Well...But I still can pass right? If I decide to give it my all and actually focus on my studies?"


''Okay well that's good...Good to know..''

''I don't mind what you're gonna do with that information but I know that you are going to make my life miserable when you have to deal with me for another year and I rather not have that.''

When my lunch break finally comes I go outside and I'm finally able to just smoke a cigarette with my favorite person in the whole entire world.

''Vivienne!'' Billie yells, Happy to see me as I take a seat beside him on the bench, Mike is standing on Billie's other side and is smoking some weed.

''Jeez.'' I say as I smell his weed.

''Want some?'' Mike offers me, Reaching it out to me.

''Yeah okay I guess, I could use some'' I respond, Bravely. I have never used weed before but one time wouldn't do any harm right? I take a hit and give it back to Mike.

''Feels good huh?'' He grins sheepishly.

I immediately start coughing. ''Yeah..UGH UGH UGH!'' Mike grins stupid and takes another puff himself.

''So what took you so long to come here? usually you come running away from your classes mainly Mr. May's class.'' Billie laughs at me.

''He needed to talk to me.'' I scoff and chuckle.

''About what?''

''He was worried I was going to fail junior year or something, Because I'm failing a lot of my classes.''

''Well does that mean you're just doomed or can you still fix it?'' Billie asks.

''Are you willing to fix it?'' Mike grins at Billie.

''Shut the hell up Mike, There was no point for me anymore.'' He playfully pushes Mike.

''Well if I'd try to ace these exams I would be able to make it to my senior year so I'm actually thinking about properly studying this semester.''

''You are really thinking about studying? Vivienne Crimson is caring for school? What the fuck!'' Billie laughs.

''Well yeah, I mean I don't want to redo junior year, I wouldn't mind senior year to be honest, I will probably just kind of excuse my way through that.'' I chuckle. Billie laughs and hands me a cigarette to smoke.

''Thanks Bil.''

''No problem.'' He lights my cigarette for me and I lean my head on his shoulder as we're smoking this cigarette.

Is it that surprising that I may actually care about school?

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