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Vivienne POV:
The last few weeks have been amazing, Lee is the sweetest boyfriend a girl can ask for and I'm so lucky to have him.

He's almost to kind for me, sometimes it even freaks me out, I've never had someone that cared this much about me or my well being.

Every class I feel bored, So Lee and I skip most of school with him.
I know that that isn't a good thing, but we're having the time of our lives and also, you only live once.

So why not just skip school because you're bored that one time...or week?

I'm eating my lunch on the bench in the school garden, Because for once I spent a few hours at school, Of course only because my parents were on my back again. Lee's arm is wrapped around me and I nuzzle to his neck.

Suddenly Billie Joe and Mike walk up to me, I Haven't really talked much with them since Lee and I started dating,

Maybe Billie was indeed jealous.

"Sup Vee." Billie yells as he slowly walks towards us.
"Yo Billie." I wave and smile.
"I wanted to ask you something uhh.." Billie says and starts searching for something in his bag.

After a while he takes out a flyer.
"Sweet Children, the band I'm in is playing in the cave on Sunday... you wanna come?" Billie asked.

I wasn't sure about it yet, I mean i'd love to come but Lee probably get mad at me for it.

"C'mon it's our first real gig, you really don't want to miss it!" Billie almost begs me.

I Can't handle those emerald puppy eyes of his.

"Fine I'll be there!" I say in a playfully annoyed tone. I quickly side eye Lee to see his reaction,

He looked kind of blank.

Which scared me.

I'm walking back to my class after lunch break, Vivienne looked terrified when she said "yes" to my offer to come watch us at the cave. I noticed her looking scared more often around Lee, and very alert when he wasn't close to her. 

I have a strong feeling that Lee has trapped her,

Trapped her in their relationship.

That he has finally dropped his mask he has never worn to us, Just to her. I wish I could help her with whatever is bothering her, But she can't seem to come towards me, While I notice she really wants to. 

I'm really trying to follow my classes, but being nervous for tonight and worrying about Vee doesn't make it easy.

Schools out and I head to Mike's house for some distraction. He opens the door himself and looks pretty confused by seeing me.
''Sup dude, Are you okay?'' He asks me.
''Yes, Well no not really, I just needed some distraction before the show.'' 

''Are you worried about Vee?" He asks concerned.
''Yeah'' I sigh.

Mike knows what's up, of course he knows, We have been friends since we were like 10, he can see right through me.

''What are you thinking about?'' He asks me as I take a sip of the beer bottle he just handed me.
''Well I have a feeling Lee is hurting her.'' I say shamefully, I know what Mike is gonna say on this.

''Billie we've been over this a million times I know you like her bu-''
''No Mike, It's different, Today I asked her if she wanted to come to our gig tonight and she checked with Lee if she could go and she looked terrified of him.'' I plead.

Mike sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose ''Well I guess your right, She ran off once.''

''What do you mean 'Ran off'?'' I ask him confused.

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