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Today is a short school day, only 4 hours. With music as the last class of the day. Billie wanted to show me something there, probably some song he learned on the guitar, He mentioned the fact that he played guitar in one of our conversations during class yesterday.

I enter the music classroom and take a seat beside Billie. For the whole theory lesson I was focused and even smiling at one point, the complete opposite of how I normally act in any class. My teacher, Mrs. Jett, kept looking at me during class to try and find out what was up, never in this entire year has she seen me work this hard for her class.

"What's on your mind?" Billie laughs.
That completely snaps me out of my thoughts. "What? why?" I ask frantically.
"Because I've never seen you this nerdy"
"Why nerdy?"
"Because you're focused on school and smiling at your own thoughts while you usually would throw a fit or start an argument with a teacher."
"Well an old friend of mine is coming back to Oakland and I can't wait to see her again!" I smile as I look at him.

"Oooh how old is she?" He wiggles his eyebrows thinking a girl that could be friends with me must be a score. (Too bad she's a lesbian lol)
I roll my eyes. "Billie for god's sake"
"Well say it!" He pushes.
"Where's she from?"
"Here, Oakland, but moved to Montana last year"
"Cool well can't wait to meet her." He grins and scribbles in his notebook.
I raise my eyebrow at him, "You assume that you're going to meet her?"
"I'm just giving standard answers you know? That's how a conversation works Vee" He tries to make a smartass comment. He's known for those I guess, He always throws them at everyone.
"Wow you're also calling me Vee now?" I scoff playfully.
"Of course Vee!" He smirks at me.
I laugh, Billie Joe's so stupid. Maybe I shouldn't pretend I only know him as the guy from detention, Maybe I should just give in and be friends with him.

We head to the practice room. Billie Joe runs up to the little stage that was made in the back of the room and grabs a guitar from the wall. "Sucks that this school doesn't own any good guitars"
I giggle. ''It's a fucking school, Did you really expect them to buy guitars that are like what? 3000 dollars?''
He grabs a black Squier and tests it with a few strums and Riffs.
"And they can't even tune them? For god sakes!" Billie groans and runs around the room searching for a tuning set.

After about 10 minutes he yells:
"FOUND IT!" I giggle.

After tuning it and such, Billie stands up with the guitar hanging from his shoulders, He lowers the strap so the guitar almost dangles to his knees.
"Do you always wear it that low?" I ask him.
"Just hear" He rolls his eyes and starts playing a song I've never heard before, it sounded raw and rough.
He played it for about 2 minutes and then finished the song and looked at me, With that playful, Mischievous, But pure look in his eyes.
"What do you think?" He asks me.
"Sounds good, I didn't know you could play guitar this good! What song is it though?"
"Uhm it's a song I wrote myself, For my little garage band with Mike and John y'know" He tells me as he awkwardly scratches the back of his head.
"Who's John?" I ask.
"Well I don't know, Some kid out of my street who's a pretty good drummer." He shrugs and chuckles.
"Cool" I reply,

I really sound waaaaaaaay too interested in his life right now. Well maybe I am that interested, He showed his interest in me too so I guess this kind of spreads it even?

After playing some guitar for about half an hour, Billie asked me if I played any instruments.
"Vee Do you play anything?"
"My parents put me in piano lessons a few years ago." I shrug.
"Can you play something for me?" He asks looking at the big piano in the middle of the room.
"I don't know if I even remember anything at all." He shyly grin.
"No problem, just try it." He tries to encourage me.
I play some silly song I learned, It was Mozart. Totally not the type of music I listen to, But the only music I can play on an instrument.

He listens intently, It's also the opposite of what he was playing on the guitar, Yet we both seemed to somewhat enjoy the classical piano music.

After our music class I decide to just head home, knowing Amber is already back in my street and maybe even waiting for me at my house to surprise me, oh how much I missed that girl.

Arriving at home, Amber is indeed sitting on the couch beside her mom, who's crying.

"Amber!" I yell and run toward her, dropping my school bag half way.

"Vee! I missed you so much!" She says as she pulls me into a hug.

"Hi Michelle.." I say as I look into her teary eyes. "Hey Vivienne." She smiles at me through her tears. "Oh don't mind me crying, you've heard it already...I was just talking with your mom about it. Don't worry love!" She says as I'm looking pretty concerned at her.

Amber and I head upstairs and take a seat on my bed. "So..." she start. "Give me all of the gossip!" She holds my hands and I smirk at her. "Oh sooo much happened here, The teachers hate me at school!" I groan and laugh.
"Spill it"
"Well I might have...thrown... a book at my math teacher"
"WHY?" She laughs
"Because he called me a schizophrenic" I laugh back at her.
"Did he give you detention?"
"Yeah duh!?"
"Soo what happened in detention?"
"Nothing much, There was this boy called Billie Joe and he's like the biggest trouble maker of the school" I say as I smile.
"And then?"
"We went to our classes together and such, He's a pretty cool guy actually. Not that much of a troublemaker when you get to know him, He's kind of like me haha" I say.
"Can you introduce me to him tomorrow?" Amber asks me a pouts her lip.
"Sure thing Am" I laugh and lay on my back.

"So what new in your life?" I ask her.
"Well Divorced parents, My best friend Estelle said she hated me so we stopped being friends."
"What? I thought you loved hanging out with Estelle!"
"Yes I did but she got all cruel when I said I was moving, as if she wanted skip my avenue."
I groan, "Sucks"
"Sure does" She groans along and lies down beside me.

Amber and I sit on the bed, we've been talking for hours and hours. She actually told me that there would be another kid coming in our class tomorrow called Lee, He's also a trouble maker and got suspended from his old school. She saw his name on the list when she registered for Spirit High. Lee? What a weird name. Not that Vivienne is that common but Lee sounds pretty weird to me.

We end up just lying on the bed and hugging and kissing each other. I missed this feeling and I'm sad that she has to leave soon.
"Where are you going to live now actually?" I ask her once we finish making out.
"Across the street"
"Nooo you're kidding!" my eyes widen with pure joy, My girlfriend is going to live across the street!?.

"I'm not kidding!"
My jaw drops, Not only did she come back from Montana, She also was going to be living across the street from me. I could just walk to her house at any time I wanted to right now oh my god.
"Oh my god AAAH!" I yell as I'm so excited hearing this news.
She kisses me once more to shut me up.
"I got to go now Tho, But I'll see you tomorrow in school."
I moan playfully, "Ah those words sound so perfect to my ears"
"Right? I waited a whole year to say that again and I'm so glad!" She giggles,
I smile with a soft blush on my cheeks. "Well see you tomorrow then!"

We walk down stairs to find my mom has already opened the door to let them out. "Thanks for letting me stay for so long Helena!" Amber happily says to my mother as she grabs her coat.
"No problem love, You're always welcome. Still"
Amber smiles and we wave her goodbye together.
Maybe this could be a good school year after all.


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