٠Twenty Two٠

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I decide call Vivienne before heading out to the record label company, I'm so incredibly nervous, And the only possible thing that could help me calm down would be talking to her.
''Hey Vivienne!''
''Hey Billie, Are you nervous?''
''Yeah pretty much, They said after everything is signed we could also immediately start recording some songs.''
''Well that's really cool, Is there a date for the album yet? I mean you got a lot of songs already you just need to record them.''
''probably in September/ octoberish.''

 ''Wow well that's like just a few months away.''

''Yeah.'' I nervously chuckle.

''Well don't be nervous, You can do this. They already told you that you're really good and you are and you have potential to become a big rock star and follow your dreams and I really really wish you the best of luck for today!'' Vivienne says with a really comforting tone in her voice.

''Thanks love...'' I mumble.

''You're going to be okay, You just have to listen to the bullshit they're going to say for a little while, Than you scribble something on a stack of papers and then you can start doing what you love most. Making music.'' 

''Yeah you're right, It's going to be fine.''

''Okay, Well I have to go, And you do too I think so I love you and I'll see you later okay?''

''See you later Vee, Love you lots!'' I say and I hang up the phone.

I put on my shoes and grab my mothers car keys and start the engine after I take my seat. Than I drive to the record company thing, It's nearby so that's really great actually.


I arrive there and Mike and Tré are already outside of the door, Waiting for me to come.
''Hey man!'' Mike says as he goes in for a hug. I also give Tré a hug.
''Ready to sign this shit?'' I ask them. 

''I really am, Trained my wrist and everything for this very moment!'' Tré says as he makes some funny movements with his wrist. This got us chuckling.

Suddenly the man of the Cave arrives. ''You made it, Great!'' He says happily as he shakes all of our hands individually.
''Well let's go inside and I'll discuss every single detail with you until all of our needs meet okay?''
He asks and we all walk inside and follow him to this big meeting room. ''So, Take a seat boys.'' He says and we all follow his orders, Mike and I are trembling with anxiety for this meeting and making that pretty obvious.

''No need to be nervous ,I'm going to explain it all to you guys right now.'' The man says.
''So what's the name of the band?'' 

''Green Day.'' 

''Okay Green Day.'' 

''So today we're going to be talking about what do you want to reach? What's your goal for this band to reach?'' 

''We wanna get famous, Well we want people to hear our voices...'' 

''How exactly do you mean that?'' 

'We have a voice and an opinion and we'd like to share that with the group of people that wants to hear it and we want to piss off the people that don't want to hear it.''

''Well that's a good statement already, Have you ever played big stages before?''
''The Cave was the biggest we had ever done and you kind of already saw us there.''
''That was the biggest?''
''I can get you in the Main music venue in Oakland.''
''You could?''
''You guys sure have the potential to do that.''
''Holy shit.''
''So I'd like for you all to sign these papers so we can confirm the business that has been done at that we are done talking and you guys can get going with your rock star life.' The man says as he gives each of us a stack of papers that all need to be signed individually.

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