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Vivienne is still really stressed about her parent's divorce, But Billie has been cheering her up a lot about it lately. He's going to meet up with tré for the first time and have a little talk with him, So they sadly can't hang out today.


I'm making sure my tie is sitting right, My shirt is perfectly over sized and my jeans are almost hanging at my knees. I put on my converse and mess with my hair so it has a more ''wild'' look to it.

''Bye ma.'' I say before heading out to have lunch with Tré and Mike. 

''Bye Billie.'' She says. I take my bike this time, My mom is going out with some friends this afternoon so I couldn't have the car. While I'm on my way, I see Mike cycling a little away from me, Just a few meters. 

''MIKE!" I yell to get his attention. He doesn't notice me because that fucker is wearing headphones, blasting music obviously. 

''MIKE GODDAMMIT!'' I yell once again as I try to cycle closer to him.

As I have finally reached him, He notices me and slows down. ''Christ man, I didn't hear you.''
''I noticed''
''Are you excited to meet Tré?''
''What Meh? He's a great drummer I heard and you should just accept the fact that it's literally him, or no Sweet children at all.''
''God why do you have to say it like that?''
''Because it's the truth.''
''I mean, John would recover after a while.''
''So you think we would still be able to handle a band when we're like what? 3 years in the future and have probably finished high school and started to work and all of that bullshit?''

''Well...No for fucks sake stop getting on my nerves like this!'' I say in a playfully annoyed tone, Mike knows me too well and although that's really nice to have somebody that close to you, It can get on your nerves just as easily.

We show up at the cafe and to our surprise, Tré is already there. Waiting for us while he's like 10 minutes early. ''Hey! I'm Tré'' He says as he reaches out his hand. He looks so crazy, He has this aura around him that shows pure chaos but also, He looks very passionate like he knows what he's doing. we'll see how this turns out I guess. 

''Billie Joe.'' I respond.

 ''Mike'' Mike says.

''So John had an accident huh?'' Tré asks, He of course hasn't been properly updated about our band and life and whatever he needs to know to join and play, He only got a few lessons from John before the accident. 

''Yeah, So...How long have you been drumming'' 

''Ever since I can remember to be honest, John taught me a few of Sweet children's songs before he had the accident so I already can play a few, I'll learn the rest in no time I'm sure!'' Tré almost pleads, Maybe he wasn't so crazy and bad after all.

''Do you know ''Why do you want him''?'' I ask him, That's a song I wanna record pretty quickly, It has been finished for a while now and it's a song about Vivienne. Oh god I really would love to see her expression when she hears a song of ours on the radio and realizes it's about her.

''Yeah I know that one.'' 

''Okay well that's great, We want to record that one as soon as possible, We're getting a record label soon.'' 

''Wait you are?'' 

''Yeah a few weeks ago we were playing in the Cave and some man came up to us and we're having a meeting with him very soon.'' 

''Wow that's so crazy'' Tré responds shocked. 

''I didn't know you guys were already that far with your band, I thought I was just joining some garage band but turns out we're already going for the rock and roll hall of fame I guess'' He laughs.

''So when is the first practice I can attend or are we like, Meeting at that record label and immediately start recording?'' Tré asks. 

''Well we're going to play at Mike's house tomorrow, To practice whatever songs we already have finished and what we...well you know whatever we do in the garage. You could come over and we could practice the songs you don't know well yet?'' I suggest, Looking at Mike for confirmation that it is okay with him.

''Yeah you should come over tomorrow, Practice is lots of fun with us.'' 

''Okay that's great.'' 

''Should I invite Vee?'' I ask Mike. '

'Who's Vee?'' Tré responds curiously. 

''My girlfriend.'' I respond dryly, I'm too protective when it comes to her, Even when she's not around.

''I mean, I wouldn't mind but I don't know if you guys are okay with that?'' Tré tries to make himself included already, I mean it's obvious he has to be included but he still feels like the new one to be honest.

''It's fine by me Beej, But please don't go kissing every time we finish a song, It makes me want to vomit if I'm honest'' Mike whines. 

''Shut up I've never kissed her in front of you!'' 

''Oh yes you did!'' 

''Well maybe once or twice but come on it's not like we're making out'' I laugh trying to defend myself. 

''Fine.'' Mike rolls his eyes and laughs along with me. (AN:Remember Mike's B-day?)

I'm not going to lie, I was hesitant about Tré joining us at first, I mean he looks chaotic and what not but I think he could maybe be a better replacement than John ever was, I love John don't get me wrong but Tré has a spirit. One that John didn't have when we played. If you get what I mean, You get it. If you don't you don't.

As soon as we finish our lunches at the cafe we pay, We split the bill like we always did with John and Tré was okay with that of course. We then head out and take our bikes to cycle home again. ''Well I'll see you guys tomorrow!'' Tré waves us goodbye. 

''Cya!'' I wave back and Mike and I cycle back home together.


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