٠Twenty Four٠

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My mom and I are going to have a talk with my principal today, I want to drop out of school to continue my music career and for some reason, My mom agrees and wants to go with me to convince the principal that it's a good idea.

I'm talking with Vee in English class, Just like the usual of course when the announcement gets made through the speakers. ''Billie Joe Armstrong to the principals office please.'' The principals voice blasts through the speaks. 

''Holy shit what did you do Billie?'' Vivienne asks me. 

''Nothing, Just having a talk with him and my mom I guess.''

 ''Are you up to something?'' 

''No not really, My mom just wanted to have a talk with the principal and I assume I just have to come over to explain some bullshit I pulled a few weeks ago.'' I say, Quickly making up an excuse on why I should go to the principals office. 

Vivienne chuckles. 

''I'm telling the truth.'' I say, slightly annoyed with her reaction, I really don't want to tell her yet. Maybe she will get all worked up over nothing. Maybe I can't even pursue this and then she will break up with me just in case I can.

''Billie Joe..'' The principal says, Shaking my hand. ''Well I heard your request to drop out of school.'' 

''Yes sir that is correct.'' I say as I take my seat. 

''Well what does Mrs. Armstrong think of this?'' He asks, Looking at my mother. 

''Well I think he does really have potential in music, Whenever I hear them play and such he and his band are really good.'' 

''That's nice, But good good? Stage good? or just, As in he can play a few riffs.'' 

''We are getting a record label.'' I add staring into the principals eyes, I can't let this chance slip away, We already had to say goodbye to our first ever drummer, Changed the name, Had a few gigs and we signed our official record label.''


''Lookout records.''

''That's a good one I think.'' 

''It is, We're recording our first album next week or something, We already did a part but we have a few more songs to add.'' 

''What's it going to be called?'' 

''We're not really sure yet...Mike wants Slappy hours because that's how much time we spend on our album and I really want it to be called '39.'' 

''Okay so band discussions?''

 ''Yeah sort of.'' 

''Okay well, To be honest. When I take a look at your grades and how you're acting in school...''

 ''Oh god no.'' 

''You're not a good student, You don't even try to be. Just like your girlfriend Vivienne, Y'all spend more time in detention and in the hallway than in class so let's be honest, If your mom is right and you indeed have potential to be a rock star, I'm not the person to stop you to be a student, Because you aren't one.'' The principal tells me with a stern look on his face.

''You're just friendly insulting me right now.'' I say, smirking. 

''I am indeed, Because You want to hear the truth Billie Joe.'' The principal replies. 

He's right, I wanted to have a good reason to drop out of school, Even a better one than the fact that I can't study properly and I rather sit around a play guitar for the rest of my life. But calling me out for a bad student who doesn't even try. That's the worst best one I've ever heard in my whole entire life.

''I want you to sign these files, Both of you...You have all the time to read them but I really need them to be signed here, In this office today. So take your time and sign them after reading.'' The principal hands us a stack of paperwork. 

''So I can quit school?'' 

''You may quit school Billie Joe.'' I shake the principals hand, As if we just made a deal. 

''But you better actually make it as an artist, I want to turn on the radio and think 'This kid used to be in my office all the time when he was still in school.'' The principal says as he smiles friendly. ''After graduation you don't have to come back to this place anymore.'' He adds. 

''Why do I still have to be at graduation?'' I ask confused. 

''I'm not even getting my diploma.'' 

''I want you to be on the photo's, receive the year book and if you'd like you may play with your band...'' The principal suggests. 


''Yeah I wanna hear what music y'all make and that will actually make sure the school doesn't spend too much on a band for graduation day, Because we obviously need music.'' 

''So you just want to let us play?" 

''Yeah what's the band's name? I'll put it on the flyer.'' 

''Green Day.'' 

''Green day?'' 

''Yes Green Day.'' 

''What does that even mean.'' 

''It's about a day were John, Mike and I did nothing else than smoke marijuana.'' 

''This is exactly why I'm kicking you out of here Billie Joe.'' The principal says as he signs the last few documents. 

''I know, And to be fair. I'm glad I'm finally dropping out. I'm not gonna spend another extra year here.''

 ''Well...Don't regret your choices and I'll see you around.'' 

''See you.'' I say as I shake the principals hand and give my mom a hug before she heads home again.

I go back to class, I skipped two whole periods. 

''And?'' Vivienne asks, Obviously curious about what took me so long. 

''Yeah long long story, Just some blabbering about my grades and stuff...The usual you know.'' I say, Trying to change the subject. I'm still really not wanting to tell her about dropping out. Now that it's confirmed. I mean she deserves to know but I'm really not ready to tell her yet, I love Vivienne dearly and I don't want to lose her over this.

But I know that it will happen sooner or later.

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