When he finds out you're pregnant

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Hey! I know, I said I wouldn't update. But, I've found all of my inspiration within your sweet and tear-jerking comments. Thank you so much for your support. Sure, it's only been a few hours but THANKS!!! I don't know, I feel really hyper; I think it may have something to do with me eating 2 oranges but whatever. So anyway, finally this scenario has arrived! Yahoo! And I will be soon adding Jason the Toy Maker! So yeah, hope you enjoy :3


Jeff the Killer

You walked over to Jeff, extremely nervous and concerned. You weren't sure how he was going to react.

Will he be happy? Will be mad? Will he ask for an abortion. Will he leave me?

Terrible thoughts circulated around your head as you sat next to him and gently grabbed his hand. "Jeff we need to talk..." Jeff raised and eyebrow and nodded his head.

"Alright." He turned off the T.V. and faced you. "You ok? You seem odd." He asked, rubbing your head.

"Jeff, I'm... I'm... I-I'm pregnant." His mouth opened in shock as he eyed you for a few moments.

"We're having... A baby?"

You nodded your head in response. As Jeff placed his head in his hands you began to cry, tears drizzling down your cheeks. As soon as he heard you sob, he immediately pulled you into his embrace, feeling tears drip onto your head.

"I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a dad!" He exclaimed. His body shook with the sobs of happiness as he pulled you into a kiss. As you two broke apart your eyes stared into his as you wiped the tears from his face. "I-I love you..." He whispered.

You gently kissed his cheek. "I love you too."


BEN Drowned

"BEN, I have something to tell you..." You said, preparing yourself for the reaction. You knew he would overreact, so you decided to get it over and done with.

BEN waved you off. "Not now, I'm playing League of Legends. Can it wait?"

"But, BE-"

"Please? This game is not nice if you decide to leave or go AFK."

"But, I'm pregnant." You admitted.

BEN's eyes widened as he exited the game, swiveling his chair around to face you. "You what?"

"I'm pregnant."

"YES!!! I'M FERTILE! I PROVED SLENDER WRONG! HAHAHA, wait have you been cheating on me?"

You shook your head no.

"AWE YEAH! I'M HAVING A BABY, WITH A PRETTY WOMAN!" BEN sang, beginning to dance. You blushed at the comment. "Wait... Awe dammit, I quit League of Legends!"



You sat on the sofa, slightly shaking. You had recently found out you were pregnant, but you didn't want to tell him, you were too scared. You didn't want him mad so you kept quiet. After all, he did kill children for a living. Slender "eyed" you on the sofa, secretly reading your mind.

"You're pregnant?" Slender questioned.

You head immediately lifted up as your frightened eyes looked at him. "Please don't be mad, I'm sorry."

"I'm not sure why you would think I would be upset nor why you're apologetic. In fact, I'm quite relieved that you are pregnant. I wasn't sure whether I was fertile or not." A sigh of relief escaped from your lips. "Though I'm a little upset over the fact that we are married and yet you still are unsure of my philosophies of death. You seem to believe that I kill or abduct children when I do neither of the two. As I wander around the forest, I sometimes spot a child who has suffered a traumatic past, to which I take them away from the environment and place them into the arms of those who wish to care for the child. The only people I kill are those who deserve to die." He walked over and gently "kissed" your head. "Apologies for my blabbering; my priorities were a little unorganised there... I want you to head upstairs and rest. I want you and the baby happy and well."

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