Meeting the parents

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Hello! I've updated 4 times in 2 weeks, that's a record (I think, probably not as much when I first started out). I don't have much else to say, enjoy! These may be short, so I apologise!


Jeff the Killer

"Come in, Sol. It took me forever to have you as mine; so meet my parents." Dagger opened the door for Sol as he slowly entered. Sol looked around the room before meeting eyes with Jeff; quickly looking down after locking eyes.

"Who's this, kiddo? Is he a apart of your group?" Jeff asked.

"No, he's my boyfriend." Jeff's eyes flickered with surprise as his mouth made an 'o' shape.

"I see, I knew you were too weak for pussy- Ow!" A newspaper smacked him in the head.

"That's not how you treat your son." You said, placing the newspaper down, smiling at Sol. "Well, make yourself at home!"


BEN Drowned

BEN glanced at Mikau's partner as she awkwardly held Mikau's hand. His eyes looked her up and down before returning to his computer screen.

"Huh, I didn't know you were into black-haired chicks. Is she goth or something?"

"Don't talk about her like that!" Mikau said, slightly smacking him with the shamisen.

"Ow, piece of shi-"

"You better not be smacking your father is that shamisen!" You yelled, walking out from the kitchen. "That cost me a lot of goddamn money, use a bat or something that is used for hitting things!" BEN's eyes brimmed with fake tears as he looked at you.

"I'm not a thing..." He said.

"Yeah, you're... I don't really know what you are to be honest..." You said, walking back into the kitchen to finish cooking dinner.



Claude opened the large door for Mathieu, gesturing for him to enter. Mathieu blushed and shied away; looking at the ground and playing with his hands. Claude frowned and walked over to him.

"Darling, he's not to hurt you. Don't be nervous." He gently caressed cheek before kissing his head. Mathieu sighed and cautiously entered, keeping his eyes fixated on the burgundy coloured carpet. After Claude closed the door, an awkward silence filled the room. Slender looked up from his newspaper and rested it on the table; walking over to his son.

"Ah, is this Mathieu?"

"Yes, he is a bit timid at the moment though..." Claude smiled at Mathieu and rubbed his back.

"Well, (Y/N) will just adore him then..." Slender held out his hand towards Mathieu. He looked up at the faceless man and hesitantly shook his hand. "I'll let you two get comfortable, make yourself at home, Mathieu." He said before walking off to the kitchen. Mathieu looked at Claude and frowned.

"Yes, he can act a bit cold, though... But that's just his personality." Claude clapped his hands together. "So, let me take you upstairs; I have some history books that you will just love!"


Eyeless Jack

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