The baby/babies meets the creepypasta family

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Hello! This was requested by under_the_stars_13  so thank you so much!  I want to thank you guys for becoming friends with me and messaging me! I can't even fathom how many people did so; I feel blessed. So, again I thank you! Anyone doing anything special for Valentine's Day? Well, I'm certainly not XD I was going to put up a chapter that would have fit perfectly in this time frame, but I have requests to do so it will have to wait ;) So, I hope you enjoy!


Jeff the Killer

Liu cradled Dagger in his arms as Jeff observed. Dagger cooed as his nose was poked by his uncle. 

Jeff smirked. "He likes you."

"I know he does, I'm his uncle." Jeff scoffed and left the room.


BEN Drowned

BEN walked into Mikau's bedroom and gasped, tears brimming around his soulless eyes. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM!?" BEN screeched. Dark Link and Mikau glanced up at him before continuing their errand. Mikau giggled in Dark Link's lap as he strummed the shamisen. 

"Good job, Mikau." Dark Link smirked, eyeing BEN for his reaction.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You're ruining it! He's supposed to play the guitar like Mikau from Majora's Mask!" BEN whined. 

Dark Link shrugged. "Well, when we went to the music store, he wanted the shamisen so I let him." 

"Dad," Mikau spoke up. "The noises make me happy." He strummed the shamisen. BEN's eyes quivered as his heart melted. 

"That's nice, kiddo." 

"Pfft." Dark Link scoffed. "You're the 'kiddo' in this relationship..."



"Awwwweeee, look how cute he is!" Splendor cooed as he kissed Claude's cheek. Claude blinked a few times before faintly smiling. 

"Well, he certainly has Slender's face." Offender joked, attempting to nudge Slender's shoulder before being slammed into the wall by Slender's tendrils. Claude looked at his dad and giggled. 

Trender sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "He is also being submitted to his father's dreadful fashion taste." Trender rolled up his sleeves and adjusted his glasses. "I will change that." Trender was too sent into the wall.

Slender plucked Claude from Splendor's arms. "You're paying for the damage."


Eyeless Jack

Dracul sat on Dr Smiley's lap, getting his check-up. Dr Smiley made sure he was happy and healthy before removing his latex gloves and throwing them in the bin.

"He seems fine," he said, giving Dracul a lollipop. Dracul looked up at Smiley and grinned before licking the treat. 

"Well, that's good to hear." Jack commented, picking up Dracul. Dracul decided to stick the lollipop in the eye-hole of his father's mask, causing him to giggle like mad. Jack sighed. "Thanks for the help, doc..."

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