Their Crush

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Hello! I don't have really much else to say but some of these scenarios are continued from the previous chapter. The scenarios this time around are a bit strange, so forgive me if you are confused or anything. Enjoy!


Jeff the Killer (A/N: Jeff and Bloody Painter's scenario are the same, sorry for being lazy XD)

Dagger sighed as he averted his eyes from the unusually happy boy, as others were now aware of the way he saw Sol as a person. He tapped his pencil impatiently as he stared at the clock; waiting for class to end.

45 Minutes Later...

Sol frowned as he heard the ring of a familiar bell; indicating that his favourite class had ended. He packed up his belongings and handed in the charcoal portrait to his teacher. His hands carried his books as he headed for his next class. His eyes looked around in confusion. None of his classmates were in sight.

"Hmm..." Sol mumbled. "I don't think it's possible to get to science that quick..." Sol gasped as he body was slammed up against the wall. He glared at the raven haired boy who had pinned his arms up. "Dagger, what are you doing?" Dagger's eyes of blue quivered at the aggressiveness Sol was displaying as he pressed himself closer to him.

"We need to have a little chat."

"Now? Can it be after school? We have a science test." Dagger continued to examine Sol's beauty before sighing in defeat. 

"Fine," he said as he began to walk off. "Meet me after school in the alleyway across from your house." He stopped walking and turned around, glaring at Sol. "And don't be late."


BEN Drowned (A/N: BEN and Silver's scenario are the same, sorry for being lazy XD)

Mikau smiled as he opened the music door, relieved to have played some tunes before his next class. As he exited the room, his foot felt something unfamiliar. Looking down, he noticed a blue text book on the ground. 

"Wonder whose book this is?" He said to himself, opening the first page of the book. His eyes scanned the name written in cursive. "Clair (L/N), heh? Why was she near the music room...? No wonder I felt eyes watching me." Mikau sauntered down the school halls, ignoring the chatter of his peers. He continued to walk until his feet stopped at his destination. Two girls were conversing with one another, showing each other their spinach lunches. "That's bizarre..." He thought to himself before speaking up.  "Hey... Uh, Clair?" Clair's eyes met his before bashfully looking away.


"Uh, you dropped your text book, so I thought I might as well give it back to you." He handed the book over to her. 

"Thanks..." She mumbled, placing the book by her side.

"No problem, enjoy sharing your spinach dishes." Mikau winked before walking away.

"Tsk." Clair growled, ready to pounce on the blond male.

"Relax, Clair. I do home economics with him; he obsessed with spinach too." Clair blushed at Lyra's comment before crossing her arms and looking away.




The Gawk Trio left the library and continued to follow Claude, which was seemingly unbeknownst to him. They kept their whispering to a minimum as their eyes focused on the male just meters in front of them. All of a sudden, Claude stopped; gracefully turning around and meeting with the trio. 

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