When you leave him alone with the kid

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Greetings! I am back, so sorry for all this stuff happening as of late  -.-. As mentioned in my previous A/N, I said I was going to be deleting some CP's. Some are supposed to be gone, but I saved them (You owe me Glitchy Red and Zalgo), but here are the winners and the losers:

1. BEN Drowned- 25 

2. Homicidal Liu- 22

3. Ticci Toby- 19

4. Lost Silver- 16

5. Jeff the Killer- 15


16. Sonic.exe- 4

17. Herobrine- 2

18. The Puppeteer- 2

19. The Observer- 1

20. The Rake- 0

So unfortunately, Sonic.exe, Herobrine, The Puppeteer, The Observer, and The Rake will be removed. I would write a massive paragraph about how I will miss them, but I'm listening to "Kagerou" by Buck-Tick and now I'm all happy. So, all apologies if you really loved any of the ones being removed. :(  This may cause another change with the kids as I have an idea for them in the future... So, don't freak out if one of the boys has changed into a girl XD I don't know if you guys can tell because Wattpad can act a bit funky sometimes, but I changed my scenario covers, and profile name :D. Anyway this was suggested by bandsavior so thank you, so without further ado, enjoy :)


Jeff the Killer 

A smile of pride formed on Jeff's lips as he saw his son hack at the sofa with his knife. Nothing was heard but the slight huffs from the little one's mouth and the slicing of the sofa's material. You arrived home from grocery shopping and dropped the produce when you took in the sight that was in front of you. Fluff and slices of leather adorned the carpet as the sofa looked like it had been minced. You rushed over to Dagger and pulled him away from the mess.

"Jeffrey!" Your face was plastered with rage as you removed the knife from the child's arm.

Jeff shrugged. "What? He wanted to use my knife, I think using the sofa was a more responsible choice than a person. Don't you agree?"

"This sofa costs $3000!"

Dagger looked up, his blue eyes looking into yours. "I'm sorry mama, I promise to pay you back!" Your eyes looked down on your son as a small smile formed on your face.

"It's not your fault sweetie. Daddy can pay me back." You shot Jeff a dirty look.

Jeff sighed as you two left the room. "Damn it."


BEN Drowned 

"Dad, I want to go to Shamisen lessons!" Mikau said as he walked away from the local game store.

"No! You're coming with me and playing video games with me like a good boy!"

"I'll tell mum that you wasted money for not taking me."

"Damn it." BEN muttered. "Fine, but you're playing Four Swords with me when we get back."


Slenderman (A/N: Remember, he's in his human form. I don't want people freaking out about his smile XD)

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