When you are kidnapped by Scream and Shout

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Hello, sorry I didn't update a couple of days ago, I was in Echuca. this chapter/s will be unique to the previous requests that I've done. This was suggested by StephyBaires_1D so thank you. Scream and Shout are her two creepypastas that she created. I will describe them to you guys just so you get an idea of the two.

Scream is the daughter of Slenderman (which is a bit weird considering in Slenderman's scenario she'll be kidnapping her step mum, so I'll make him be a father like figure instead of the actual father). She has black hair and brown eyes with a scar on her left eye, and a tattoo of a heart on her neck. She wears a bandana on her mouth, as well as sunglasses to cover her eyes. She wears a red violet dress, and has two bandages on her right arm. She talks in screams and sometimes with static, she sometimes uses her hair as tendrils, has the ability to teleport like her father, and uses a bow and arrow to murder humans.

Shout is Scream's pet dog that has the ability to transform into a human whenever he wants to. He is very obedient to Scream and follows all of her orders. He has black and white fur, with blue eyes. When He is a human, He wears torn jeans, and sleeveless tees, and of course, talks in shouts. he uses a lighter to kill people.

Both of them are apparently Ghetto.

So yeah, thanks again StephyBaires_1D, sorry if this isn't that amazing but I'll try my best to make it perfect. Anyway, hope you enjoy!


Jeff The Killer

Smile's bark echoed throughout the house as his gaze was fixated on the woods near the house. Jeff had left a few hours earlier and left you alone with Smile. He managed to open the back door and sprint towards the woods.

"Smile, come back!" You yelled, chasing after him. "Damn, Jeff is gonna be so mad if Smile goes missing." A searing pain filled your arm as you saw an arrow imbedded into your arm. You screamed in pain before becoming fatigued. Your body swayed back and forth before falling unconscious, leaving your body exposed to your kidnappers...

A Few Hours...

Jeff arrived home and heard Smile whimpering. He noticed his companion looking guilty, holding a blood stained note.

"Smile." Jeff demanded. Smile whimpered once again and dropped the note in his hands. Jeff began to read the note...

"Dear Jeffrey,

"It was so much fun seeing (Y/N) chase after that mutt of yours. Thanks to him no we have her held hostage. Good luck finding her~

"From, Scream."

Jeff scrunched the note in his hand. He walked to the back door and pulled out his knife. "Scream, you're so dead..."


BEN Drowned

"EJ, (Y/N) won't reply to my calls! What do I do?"

"Go visit her, she's your wife after all..." Jack said, his finger trailing the Braille of his book. BEN pixelate away and reappeared inside his house. He noticed droplets of blood on the wooden floorboards and felt a nauseating feeling in his stomach.

"No... don't tell me she's dead! I only beat her in Mortal Kombat once!" BEN followed the droplets of blood which lead him to his bedroom. He saw a black and white dog and knotted his eyebrows in confusion.

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