A day in Highschool

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Hello, sorry for the lack of updates; I've just had exams and I got Terraria. I've noticed the last few chapters have escalated quite quickly, so once I've finished with this book, I'll add more chapters in and edit.  Just so we're on the same page, I'm picturing these guys being around 16 now. I'm going to be changing a few of their names again, solely due to the fact that I don't like them. Also, their pairings are going to be revealed next chapter, though some have already figured them out :) So, comment below on who you think will be paired with who. I don't think I have anything else to say, so enjoy!


Jeff the Killer

Chatter filled the lunch room as Dagger sat beside Grim, Atticus, and Ace. As feminine arms caressed his body; he spun his knife around. The unwanted attention was beginning to bother him. A female with pink lip gloss sat to close to him; hoping to warm up the silent and aggravated boy.

"Hey." She said, her voice like silk.

"..." Her eyes furrowed in confusion at the silent treatment.

"Awe, is someone not having a good day?" Her arms wrapped around Dagger; his body immediately tensing at the touch. "If you want, I can calm you down in the bathroom...?" Dagger grabbed onto her hand gently. The girl smirked, a sense of triumph filling her psyche before being shattered. Dagger pinned her down onto the table as he held the knife to her throat.

"Do you think I would willingly go with you? Do you think you're that good? Firstly, don't ever touch me without my permission. Secondly, I would not allow myself to go to such a level where I have to a girl like you that wears cheap lip gloss to look "good". And lastly, ever make a move on me like that again, I will shove this knife so far down your throat that it comes out of your ass. Do you understand?" Tears rolled down her cheeks as she nodded. Dagger released her from his grip as she ran away, wailing loudly. Atticus looked back at Dagger as eyes stared at the intimidating male.

"Jeez, Dagger. You really didn't have to react like that..." Dagger shrugged and placed the knife back in his pocket.

"Well, I need girls to know that I'm not interested."


BEN Drowned

Mikau sighed as he sat comfortably down onto the chair, adjusting his shamisen while doing so. He tested the strings before taking a breath in. He began to play Tsugaru Aiya Bushi; a Japanese folk song. As his fingers and bachi worked at the strings, his blond hair fell onto his face. The pleasant sounding song resonated throughout the room, causing him to smile. 

Unbeknownst to him, a certain someone was watching him, admiring his beauty. A blush danced on her cheeks as she listened to the melody. Her heart began to beat faster, causing her to place a hand on her chest. She growled in annoyance at her petty act and grudgingly walked away, just to meet her friend at the staircase. 


Slenderman (A/N: Can I just say I pictured Claude as this perfect, long-haired anime dude; not like Claude Faustus from Kuroshitsuji XD)

"Oh goodness, there he is...!" 

"He's so beautiful..."

"I would squeal, but we're in a library." Three girls gawked at the male a table across from them. Their eyes watched every move he made, secretly taking notes and photos of the seemingly undisturbed male. As the librarian menacingly glared at the distracted girls, the girls quickly picked up their books. Their eyes looked back at the librarian and eased when they noticed she had left the room. "Thank goodness!" One sighed out in relief.

[Editing] Creepypasta Husband ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now