When the baby arrives

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Hello, my lovelies. I am back. I have decided to not delete my account. To be honest, my little outburst yesterday actually made me cry out all of my worries and I'm back to kick ass! I did go back a chapter and changed some of the kids' names, so go check that out before reading this. I want to thank you all for commenting and messaging me yesterday. I really appreciate people like you who actually care, so I began following you people (creepy, I know XD) and replied to your comments. So, again I thank you :3 Now, I have to start writing this chapter! Onward!


Jeff the Killer

Jeff cradled Dagger in his arms and grinned. 

"He's adorable." You smiled.

"I know, but naughty. Crying until you sucked on mummy's breast; you little perv." Jeff kissed his head. "Reminds me of me."

You blushed at his comment and quickly changed the subject.


BEN Drowned

You smiled as you saw BEN poke Mikau's nose. Mikau yawned and snuggled deeper into the blue blankets wrapped around him.

"Glad he's all snug." BEN smiled.


"Totally hope he learns to play the guitar or my reason for his name would be a total letdown." 

You sighed at his comment and closed your eyes, pretending you didn't hear BEN say that.


Slenderman (A/N: he's in his human form, as well as the other creepypastas)

As soon as Slender's eyes laid on Claude, his heart melted. "Oh, goodness he's adorable." The nurse placed him in Slender's arms. "Thank you madame." He sat next to you and placed him in your arms.

"He's so cute." You said.

"I know..." Slender read your thoughts and laughed. "No, dear. I doubt he'll inherit my tendrils. Though, I'm certain he has my mind reading and teleporting skills." 

"Oh," you rubbed his head. 

"You should rest, darling. You must be tired." 

"Alright, goodnight Slender."

"Goodnight, love."


Eyeless Jack

"Awe, he's so cute... What are you going to call him?" The nurse asked as he handed your son to you.

"Dracul." Jack said.

The nurse had a nervous look on her. "Doesn't that mean Devil?"

"And dragon."

"Jack." You said, giving him a look.

The nurse bowed her head and left the room.  

You sighed. "You scared the nurse..."

Jack shrugged. "Well, little Dracul's half demon so he's gonna act like one."

You rolled your eyes at Jack before cuddling Dracul.

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