The baby's first steps

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Hello! This was requested by OtakuQween101 so thanks! I haven't done requests in awhile, so you're special! I do want to say that I'm not impressed with people spamming me on my PM's; I've had at least 5 people try to make me get some Valentine's voucher or something like that. So, don't do it; it ain't cool. I do want to say that the creepypastas are in their human form when they're around their kids; but sooner or later I will make a scenario when they learn about their dads' real form. Anyway, enjoy!


Jeff the Killer

Jeff stood up from his spot on the sofa and placed his knife in his pocket. "Babe, I'm going out."You nodded your head, knowing what he meant by 'going out'. Dagger frowned and squirmed from your grasp and waddled over to Jeff. He wrapped his arms around Jeff's legs and looked up at him.

"Don't go, daddy." Jeff looked down at Dagger and sighed. He lifted him up and kissed his cheek.

"Fine, kiddo."


BEN Drowned

"Mikau?" BEN called out. Mikau looked at BEN. "Can you get me some food?" Mikau nodded and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a packet of Doritos. You sat at the kitchen table and stared in shock as he waddled back to BEN. He lifted Mikau and placed him on his lap. "Thanks, kiddo."

"BEN." You said sternly, walking into the living room.


"He's not a servant."

"Yeah, he's my kid and my gaming buddy." You sighed in defeat and left the room.



Claude sat on your lap, staring intently at the book Slender was currently reading. He pointed to the book.


"Yeah, sweetie; it's a book." Claude wriggled out of your grasp and toddled over to Slender and took his book before returning to you and beginning to read it. You and Slender looked at each other while Claude obliviously continued to read.


Eyeless Jack

Dracul stared at Jack as he examined his scalpels. He placed his teddy bear down and frowned.

"Dad." Jack glanced at him, who was now extending his arms to signal that he wanted Jack to pick him up.

"Get over here if you want me to pick you up." Dracul slowly stood up and wobbled, before toddling over to Jack. He grinned under his mask and ruffled Dracul's head.



"C'mon Finny, have some cheesecake." You pleaded trying to lead Finn back into the kitchen. He shook his head. "Sweetie..."

Masky walked in and handed the plate to Finn. "Here you go, eat up." Finn plastered an angry expression onto his face before grabbing the cheesecake and smearing it on your face. Your eyes widened as Finn grew a big grin and waddled away from the scene.

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