The End

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Hello, thank you for waiting. I was planning to finish this book on my third year on this website (Nov 3rd), however my Nan passed away the day before and I've been in a state of mourning. So I apologise for disappointing you guys. Anyway, this is the last chapter! I apologise once again for the crap send off, I really didn't know how to finish this book off, but I feel like I need to stop keeping you guys (the remaining ones out there) waiting.

So, I would like to thank each and every one of you. The voters, the people who comment, the followers, the silent ones (yeah, I appreciate you guys too), the ones who have stayed, and the ones who have left. Thank you guys for the three years I've been on this website. I'm sorry that my updates and chapters probably didn't meet your expectations, as there are many authors out there who produced better CP scenarios than mine (Night_Phantom, DeathlyIceArcher, emilovexoxo are the few I've mentioned). Thank you for the lack of hate, to be honest; I don't think I've seen any hate on my works. It's understandable though; considering this type of interpretation of the CP's isn't most favoured but oh well. This has been integral for me to get through most of my high-school. So once again thank you!!!

"So... what are you gonna do now?" You may be asking... To be honest... I have no clue. I've thought about creating some Yandere stories (obviously inspired by Mask_Cover) or some horror stories. I've even considered creating CP's and potentially move into drawing and character design, but I'm too lazy for that XD So, yeah I don't really know; I've mainly been dedicated to studying, which has benefited me; I won $800 so... XD Anyway, if I really, and I mean really get some inspiration and motivation, I may be here again. Though I will be attempting to edit and improve this and the other book.

Anyway, thank you guys so much for being here and reading my books. I can't express my gratitude and admiration towards you guys. I wish you all the best of luck in the future, and hope you guys are happy and content. Also have a safe and lovely holidays. I will still be around, please leave a message if you need someone to talk to or need a friend (I'm always here 0-0). So, enjoy!


Jeff the Killer

Jeff's eyes wandered over your slumbering body as gentle breaths escaped your lips. His Cheshire grin turned melancholy as he played with your (H/C) strands of hair. As his touches became distant; a quiet whimper left your throat. Jeff sighed and shook his head before standing up and trudging towards the window. His eyes scanned the room he once shared with you before swiftly jumping out the window.

You shifted underneath the covers as you felt the cold breeze tickle your face. You scrunched your face in discomfort before slowly opening your eyes. A lack of your husband's presence caused a strike of confusion to enter your body. Your arms propped your body up as you scanned the dark room.

"Jeff?" You called out hoarsely. No response. Panic filled your senses as you double checked the other side of the bed only to find it empty. You threw the covers off your bed as you checked every room in the house before returning to your room without a clue of where your husband is. As exhaustion and stress completely filled your psyche, tears streamed your cheeks before sobs left your throat. Unbeknownst to you, a familiar presence watched over you for a few moments, before walking away with tear stained cheeks...


BEN Drowned 

You slept peacefully underneath the warm covers, your dreams bringing a pleasant smile on your face. Your face contorted into a plaster of confusion as a gentle sound caused your dreams to be shrouded in darkness. The keys created a beautiful symphony, but underlined a deep and dark story as the music danced within your slumber. Your mind finally recognised the familiar tune, only to be concerned at the recognition.

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