When they date

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Hello! As you can tell by the previous A/N, I lost a bet and had to change my name XD These scenarios are bit steamy for my liking but oh well! Anyway, I don't have much else to say, so enjoy!


Jeff the Killer  (A/N: Jeff and Bloody Painter's scenario are the same, sorry for being lazy XD)

Dagger leaned up against the wall, his blue eyes scanning the busy street. He sighed and looked at his phone: 4:03pm. Dagger clenched his jaw and slid his phone and his pocket, slowly pulling out his knife while doing so. 

"Where is he?" He mumbled to himself. 

"Here, sorry I was late; our art teacher needed to talk about my assignment." Sol looked around before looking back at Dagger. "So, what did you need me for?" Dagger smirked before walking over to Sol.

"This." He said before pinning Sol up and kissing him. Sol's eyes stayed wide open for the duration for the kiss. Dagger slowly opened his eyes as their lips drew apart. "Huh, so you're not into me." He began to play with his knife. "Oh well. You're still mine no matter what. Got it?" Dagger placed the knife up to Sol's throat. Sol did not utter a word, but glared at him as a response. Dagger used this opportunity to kiss him again. 

"I have to go." Sol said, trying to push past Dagger. 

"No. You're not going; you're staying with me." Dagger said as he kissed Sol's neck.

"No! Let me go!" Sol used all of his energy to push Dagger away before running to his house. Dagger smirked to himself as he licked his lips seductively. 

"I love those who play hard to get..."


BEN Drowned (A/N: BEN and Silver's scenario are the same, sorry for being lazy XD This for all of the weeaboos and otakus XD. Also the song I pictured Mikau playing was 'Melancholy of Shamisen' here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bjxqkOk61w. 

"Ugh, Lyra why are you covering my eyes? I can't walk properly!" Clair sighed as Lyra led her into the depths of the forest. 

"You'll see." Lyra stopped in the clearing. "Ok, you can open your eyes." As Clair opened her eyes, a melancholy, but somewhat fitting song for the night played. The grass swayed with the sweet and humid breeze as the cheery blossom's escaped the clutches of the trees. As petals danced with the wind, the river nearby curved around the trees, creating a gentle sound of splashing water. The moon formed a pale glow, which directly shone on the blond male, lying against a large rock. His slender fingers gingerly strummed against his shamisen, as his blue eyes glanced at Clair. His white male kimono was loosened, revealing most of his chest. His  hair played with the breeze, causing his blond, slightly wavy locks to fall in front of his face. Clair covered the blush and the oncoming blood nose.

"Lyra, what are you-" She looked around and realised that she was gone. "Lyra, where are you?"

"She's left." Mikau replied, continuing to play on his shamisen. She huffed and crossed her arms.

"So, what's the meaning of all this? I want to go home." As Clair began to rant about how the trip was 'inconvenient', Mikau sighed.

"Clair, I'm trying to serenade to you. Sit here and listen." Clair blushed before reluctantly sitting next to Mikau, letting his music play with her heart.


Slenderman (A/N: Slender and Liu's scenario are the same, sorry for being lazy XD. Also, this is continuing on from the previous scenario)

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