Their first kill

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Hey everyone, I apologise for the late update. I'm starting to get counselling, so hopefully that helps me a bit. Anyway, I'm planning to end this book in the next chapter but I don't really know how to end it, so I'd really appreciate suggestions as my 3rd year of being on this website is getting close! I'd like to apologise for the quality of this chapter, this is one of the first times updating on my iPod so there are heaps of strange autocorrects. I will also comment that I made light of this chapter, as usually murder is a serious topic, so please don't kill in the name of Slender XD. Also, a few people have asked if I shed more light on the actual CP's as opposed to their kids so I tried to do that in this chapter. I'd like to thank you guys for the support on my previous update, I sometimes feel like I keep updating saying "my life sucks and I can't update." So, I apologise as well. Hope you guys have had a Happy Halloween and please enjoy the chapter!

Jeff the Killer

Dagger's ice blue eyes glared enviously towards his partner; whom was standing a few metres away from him. Dagger's frame remained hidden in the shadows of the alleyway, his mouth forming into a scowl as he saw Sol conversing with an unknown male. His heart twisted when he heard Sol laugh, his beautiful, silky laugh. A sigh escaped Dagger's lips as he turned away from the two.

"No one can have him but me..." he muttered to himself.

Night had slowly shown itself in the night sky, the dimly lit stars shimmering alongside the moon. Dagger shook his head at the beautiful sight before jumping into the window of the man from before. He crept slowly into his bedroom and smirked when he noticed the male was asleep. A quiet chuckle rumbled in his chest as he plunged it into his chest, the strange force vibrating his hand. He retracted the knife, only to find the hilt and the broken blade within the lifeless man's neck.

"Shit, dad's gonna kill me!"

A Few Moments Later...

"How could you?! (Y/N) bought this for me!" Jeff sobbed, hugging the remanents of the knife.

"My question is how did you break it like that?" You asked, shaking your head in disproval at your son's actions.

"I don't know... Sorry dad." Jeff's hicks and sobs were Dagger's reply, as you tried to console your overreacting husband.

"I'm not crying! I'm a manly man. So manly, my sweat comes out of my eyes. You wouldn't get it because you're a dumb girl." Jeffs mouth was left ajar at his own comments as he feel your eyes burning into him.

"Oh you're a manly man? Let me see how manly you are when I shove this in your ass."


BEN Drowned

Mikau browsed through reddit, sighing at the boredom he felt. He suddenly felt a strange sensation. He felt somewhat drawn to touch his computer screen. As his fingertips touched his desktop, they went through. Mikau gasped before cautiously placing his hand inside the computer, followed by the rest of his body. He stared in awe at the sight of darkness, the neon green binary slightly illuminating the area. He saw millions of pathways but chose to walk straight. He eventually was met by the sight of a female, browsing the League of Legends website. He smirked.

"She has good taste." His voice appeared as text on her computer; sending a wave of confusion. The girl exited the website. "Can you read this?" His voice was once again converted to text. She whimpered as she tried to log off, but to no avail. Mikau shrugged and slowly exited the computer. The girl stared at him in horror and quickly backed away, inching towards the window. "Hey, sorry to intrude on your privacy but I-" he was cut off by the girl as she fell out the window, her head colliding in the concrete emitting a log splitting sound. Mikau stared at the empty window in shock before quickly entering the computer. "Shit, mum's gonna kill me!"

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