When Offenderman spies on you

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Hello! It's now the holidays so hopefully I will update more frequently. This was suggested by Maddieb123789 so thank you! Hopefully this chapter speaks out to people who have been assaulted or stalked. Please, if you are in an uncomfortable situation, contact the police, friends or family and always say NO!


Jeff the Killer

Offender's smirk widened as he eyed you from the shadows. As you stretched, revealing your prefect body; he licked his lips. His moments of stalking were cut short as he heard shuffling from behind him.

"Uh, who the hell are you?" Offender turned around and saw the Cheshire smile killer.

"Oh, Jeff, I don't think we've officially met. I've been aware of your works and I'm quite impressed-"

"Yeah, yeah, ask for autographs later. I'm more concerned on why you're perving on my wife."

"You can't deny that she has a nice body, I wouldn't mind taking her out back and-" A pale hand smacked Offender in the throat, causing him to drop to the ground and gasp for air. Slender shook his head and lifted his brother up.

"Imbecile, what did I tell you about invading women's privacy... it's either they will get you or their husbands will..." Slender turned towards Jeff and bowed. "Deepest apologies." He said before teleporting away.

"Hmph... didn't have to get my hands dirty... that's a plus..." 


BEN Drowned

"H-hey, what the hell man? Ever heard of respecting people's privacy? Stop looking at her like that!" BEN yelled, attempting to steer Offender's view away from your everlasting beauty. Offender lit a cigarette and scoffed.

"I don't think I'm gonna listen to you, kiddo. I might have been intimidated if you were taller; you can't even protect your wife, hahaha- Wait what are you doing?" Offender watched BEN drag a small step up ladder over to where he was standing and blew some smoke out of his mouth. "What are you gonna do with that-" The loud sound of a slap echoed throughout the street as Offender rubbed his reddened cheek. BEN stepped down and smirked at his action.

"Touché, kiddo." Offender said before teleporting away.



As you started to get undressed for your bath, a smirk was plastered on Offender's face. He started to feel hot and bothered once you began to take your shirt off, revealing your bare back.

"Oh, if only she'd turn around to face me, maybe then I could see her-" The room Offender resided in became cold as the temperatures dropped dramatically. A slow static sound filled his brain as he reluctantly turned around to face the culprit.

"Oh, brother! What a pleasant surprise, I was just checking to see if your wife was safe from dangerous predators like me-" Offender gulped at the lack of reaction.

"Go, before I turn you into Pulpo à la feria." Offender nodded nervously before disappearing.


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