When you're saved: Part 1

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Hello! Again, this was suggested by Stephybaires_1D. This will be a different and unique chapter. Basically, this will be in the creepypasta's point of view when they discover and enter the cave. In the next chapter, it will change into third person view and it will be a massive scenario with all the creepypastas combined. Another thing is that cris123tina4 requested that I add another creepypasta who will be revealed in the next chapter. Hope you enjoy! :D


Jeff the Killer

I had been walking for several hours in the forest when I found a suspicious looking cave. I shrugged. "Hope you're in there, (Y/N)." I thought, before calling out for Smile. Smile rushed up to me and sat down. I petted him before gesturing him to follow me into the cave. He whimpered slighly, before plodding behind me.

"Ah, so you've found us, hmm?" A voice called out. I growled in anger and pulled out two knives. Smile sensed my fury and snarled, glaring at the person standing across from us.

"Of course I found you Scream, you hide in obvious places. I'm so glad that Slender disowned you." I hissed, venom dripping from my words. She looked taken aback before a look of wrath defined her appearance. She smirked deviously and motioned me to follow her into the depths of the cave.

Being stubborn person I am, I shook my head and crossed my arms. Scream sighed. "If you don't, you won't have a chance to rescue (Y/N)." She said, a smirk etching onto her features. I grumbled and reluctantly follwed her deeper into the cave...


BEN Drowned

I grumbled in annoyance as I levitated behind Shout. He turned around and looked at me oddly.

"How are you able to do that?" He asked.

"I'm a ghost," I replied nochalantly. "I can do whatever I want." He shrugged and continued walking. "Yo, when will we get there?" I questioned.

He sighed. "I'm not exactly sure, I'm guessing soon." I saw a cave up ahead and looked at him.



"Your base is in a cave? So cliche." I shook my head while smiling. He glared harshly at me before stopping in front of it.

"This is it." Shout announced. I stopped levitating and pulled out my sword.

"Well, later loser." I smirked before I entered the dark cave....



"Scream! I demand you to come back here right now!" I shouted, trying to capture her attention. She ignored me and continued teleporting away. "Scream," I warned. Scream finally gave in and stopped.

"What? 'Father'?" She hissed.

"Where is (Y/N)?" I asked. She glared at me.

"So that's who you care about? You act like you never loved me! Now, you'll see how it feels to lose someone you love! Later!" She yelled before disappearing. I sighed in frustration.

"Where did she play as a child when I took care of her?" I chuckled lightly before teleporting to my destination. "My, my, Scream. You are so naiive." I said before stepping into the cave.

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