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Hello everyone. As you know, I deleted the scenario: "When you get kidnapped by Scream and Shout :O". The reason for that was because Stephybaires_1D (the person who requested the scenario) and I had a bit of a fight, leading me to delete that scenario.

I just want to apologise to you, Stephybaires_1D, for acting so childish and taking offence to a comment you made. Hopefully you forgive me for my silliness.

Tomorrow, I will publish that scenario again and hopefully start writing the next part of it. Updates may come a little slower, due to school beginning today.

Again, I apologise to Stephybaires_1D for deleting your requested scenario and being offended, so please find it in your heart to forgive me.

I also want to apologise to my readers, sorry for deleting it and leaving you guys clueless on what happened. Please don't think of me as a bitch because of this incident.

Thank you guys for understanding :)


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